Spring 2016 The Power of Now: A-ha Moment #20 Who am I? It Matters
This passage in the Power of Now stopped me dead in my tracks:
But who you are is always a more vital teaching and a more powerful transformed of the world than what you say and more essential than what you do
I've been open about my disdain for my religious upbringing. I always say the “teachers”, “leaders”, and members were my examples and role models of what NOT to do.
As I think about the calling God has placed upon my life, I know that I have a responsibility to not only say and do what I'm teaching but I need to BE what I'm saying. After I left legalism, I will never forget a woman of faith telling me that my children will see the life I live before them. I never forgot that. I can preach God, Jesus, and always take them to church but if I am not living the life I'm telling them to live or being the person I stress that they need to be, then that speaks louder than any sermon I can preach or any church service I can take them too
I honestly believe this is why organized religion is in such decline. The most fervent adherents are not peaceful, they keep too many secrets that destroy them, they are driven by fear, they aren't able to love unconditionally, and many are not joyful people. Who would want to be like that?
What you are is going to be your biggest selling point and evangelism tool...
So this passage got to me because it just reinforces that I have to keep my development going because how will I be able to inspire and teach people if I am a raggedy mess. I have seen enough of that to last a lifetime and I have no desire to keep it going.
It's not about what I say or even what I do but who I AM that will be the teachings. That's such a great responsibility and one that I wish more people who have a platform would embrace.
Our biggest celebrities these days aren't ones that have a talent, say profound words, or do awesome things. Our biggest celebrities are people who seemingly are what we wish we could be: beautiful because we fixed ourselves with surgery, rich, and all without really doing anything.
Anyway not to get off on that tangent but it just convicted me to stay on track with my development and continuing education at refiner's Fire university because I want to be what I'm teaching. A friend recently posted a quote that said the truth:
The teacher is the teaching!
How can one truly teach something that they don't fully understand and haven't experienced. It's like when they get single people to teach marriage classes. You are not married so how can you teach authentically what marriage is supposed to be? You ARE NOT married.
To quote something Pastor Patrick Kiteley said over at Shiloh Church:
“You’ve got live it to Give it”
I agree and I want to add on to that: “You have to be it to teach it”
I think you get my point. So my prayer is that I continue on growing, developing, and learning SO THAT I can be the woman I need to be and with that be the teacher I am called to be. I truly believe this is why I stopped resisting this process because as we see I have a lot to unlearn and get my mind right.
I'm willing to slow down to go fast. With everything I keep saying that I want to BE who I need to be to get the job done. I don't want to say the right things or do what looks good. I want to BE who I need to be for my assignment!
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