Church Refugees: Only a Movement and a Specific movement of God will bring me back!

This past week I was telling my sister that I won't be getting involved in any church unless it's a movement and specifically a movement of God.

I will not be attending any more churches where the main goal is to keep their doors open and not close down. I will not be attending any more churches where the sole focus is preserving their legacy and living in their past days.  I'm not interested in attending any church just to attend someplace on a Sunday

If I attend any church then they need to be a movement and specifically a movement of God.

I proposed a few weeks ago that the way we do church needs to change. This is no longer the 1950’s. We don't need to keep up facades and Perfect images that don't exist. We are also not afraid to be judged for not attending church. There is also much more to do on Sundays and we don't have to attend church anymore to keep up appearances.

There is an obsession with doing church like they did in the first century but they didn't have the answers. There was drama with that and they didn't even have the fancy church buildings and such that we do.

It may be time for churches to realize that they need to evolve or they won't exist anymore

From Church Refugees

Additionally, there's no reason to think that any organization can retain the same practices over a span of decades and retain its success

Similarly, the most successful churches of the future will likely bear very little resemblance to the worship hour-dominated services that have characterized church for years.

This is what I believe.  When you look at how things are going in our country…(This presidential election is a great place to start)  It will not be institutions, fancy preachers and churches, or any of that to bring people salvation.  The start of salvation will come from people saying enough is enough and using their God given power to make changes.
