P31 OBS Week 2 Uninvited: It's already done

When Lysa relates the story of how Bob told her to jump on the ropes course because the ropes would hold her and she would not fall, he said the words: 

"It's already done"

One Sunday at Shiloh Church in Oakland, I asked Sis Leora Overall to pray for me that I would believe the vision and glimpses that God had given me. She looked at me, put up her hands, and said:

"It's already done"

Once she said that I was a lot more encouraged to take risks and live the life I believe God had called me to. If you know God already has it figured out, already has it together, and that it will work out it  then it takes all of the pressure off of me to try and figure it all out, manipulate circumstances,  or be anxious/worried about how it will all work out.

If God is For Us who can be against us....

Thinking about how this scripture relates to rejection, I think about how so many times we chase after people, accomplishments, status, titles, etc and then when it doesn't work out we think the world is against us.  

Maybe it's not the world or life being against us but the Lord being for us.

All we see is the short term gratification of not being lonely anymore, broke, or unimportant but God sees the long term consequences which are often disastrous.

Everything that I've been "rejected" from has been a HUGE blessing.  I am glad that I did not go into the miry pit.

The Message Version of Romans 8:31

So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? 
If we know and accept that we have been chosen by God and that he is on our side, then we are a lot less likely to listen to the critics who try to bring us down.  When I first left legalism, I had a lot of critics but 7 years later the only thing I would have changed is leaving sooner!  I truly believed it was the right thing to do and I can honestly say that I believe God is for me and it doesn't matter that some are against me.   I would not want to trade places with them!

In this season, I cling to this belief:  God is with us and he shall not fail because it's already done!
