Church Refugees: I just couldn't see how any of this was necessary and then what about when REAL LIFE happens

I just couldn't see how any of this was necessary. It’s nice but it wasn't necessary. There are other things, such as hunger, poverty, and education that are necessary focuses for the church, but the church wasn't meaningfully engaged in them.

That's what mark said. Mark was a highly paid worship leader for a mega church. He gave up because he figured the organization wasn't gonna change any time soon so he quit

I think once you wake up and become conscious and aware of the world around you it's impossible to sit in a building each week and listen to a guy scream and carry on without feeling like you should Be out doing MORE. If you're conscious and awake then if is impossible to ignore the: hate, violence, racism, trafficking, and poverty that is going on here.

And what about when REAL LIFE happens

On a personal note I became disillusioned even more with religion after that white supremacist killer went into the church and killed 9 Black people during bible study

I had never been one of those people who believed that Christianity was the downfall of Black people. I knew many Black people who had disavowed Christianity as the religion of the slave masters and blamed Christianity for making black people weak, passive because they were waiting for a Savior, and pathetic. I never thought that. I always thought God was merciful and gave us the hope of his son while these evil people enslaved and tortured our ancestors.

Well after that tragedy in South Carolina I was dismayed and disappointed to hear exactly what those who had disavowed Christianity had said. I was so uncomfortable and disappointed that I just could not. I also could not believe there wasn't more outrage from black pastors. Here this demonic force had walked up in a church and we aren't talking about that? are our churches so unprepared, docile, uneducated can  and disconnected that they don't want to address the spiritual warfare component of what happened?

It seemed to me that church was completely useless if this were the case.
