Church Refugees: Church Communities are vital but we don't want to get stuck in the building!
Community is fundamental to people's understanding of God
I think this could be a really big clue to why people are heading en masse for the exits when it comes to church.
If the church community is how we understand God, then Lord help us all! A church full of dysfunctional people who wallow in their miry pits and yet cast judgement on everyone else isn't exactly a glowing endorsement of God.
I've stated over and over again that looking at the fruit borne in the church of legalism was enough for me to know that their way was not the way to go. Their fruit did not line up with the God I read about in the scriptures. We are talking about something as simple as being honest and having high moral standards. My non church people seemed to have a better concept of what is right/wrong than they did.
Getting stuck inside of the church community
One woman said that she didn't want to be a part of a church again only to get stuck inside the walls and miss out on all the relationships she could form with people in the real world.
I agree. I don't want to be limited and stifled by only allowing myself to associate with church people. Plus it's way too easy to get sucked into church world where you lose all sense of reality and get stuck In the latest church soap opera, worship wars and all the other BS.
Many people in church seem completely disconnected with the real world. They become church focused and the very real issues in their own lives and even real world issues get pushed aside in favor of staying loyal to the church and keeping up appearances. Ignoring these very real issues is often what leads to the breakdowns, epic fails, and destruction that eventually befalls many church go-ers
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