Church Refugees: Church gets in the way of serving God

One of my biggest frustrations with church is that I don't think many churches are about getting out and impacting the world. Most of the energy that's expended is to make sure the church doesn't go out of business.

Turns out I'm not alone. From church refugees

“[Dechurched people] were frustrated when they found themselves constantly and solely working to keep the organization going. They're walking away because they're convinced that the structures and bureaucracy of the church are inhibiting their ability to serve God.”

With this book and also with Quitting Church. the theme seems to be the institution was getting in the way of people serving God. I know it feels like that for me. Sitting in church going to more meetings and being involved with clique-y groups was wasting time when people out in the real world need help. I left one church because I could see that in the next few years their main focus would be to keep their doors open.

While that may like a selfish reason to leave, I just wasn't willing to go through that again. I've been in a church where their sole focus was survival. You may not close down right away but it church soon becomes a place where only the regulars show up out of obligation and duty. Everyone is unhappy but because they are only about legacy and not folding, everyone spiritually dies right in the church.

I don't think there's anything wrong with organized structures.’I think some form of organization is necessary because otherwise chaos ensues but As I asked a while back: is the way we're doing church the problem? So many churches don't want to accept that maybe we should re evaluate how we are doing things. So many churches are so inwardly focused that self awareness left the building long ago.

Not addressing REAL and RELEVANT issues

Case in Point:  Single Women

As I read social media and on my own journey, I realize that people are dealing with many issues and those issues are not being addressed in church. Issues such as so many single women feel that they are not enough because they haven't gotten married or have any prospects I'm sure if these same women went to church and voiced their concerns about being single, then someone would say you should be married to jesus! That is enough!

That is not helpful and let me tell you why. Loneliness is a very real issue for many women. They feel lonely, worthless, and unwanted. Not being married or chosen by a man is very hurtful to so many women and there needs to be more empathy towards them. Women are told constantly to fix themselves so they will be enough. Love God, attend church all the time where there are no men, and then they end up 50 years old and never been married wondering what happened or they marry the wolf in wolf's clothing because they're sick of waiting

Aaaaand can i address the elephant in the room???  Physical Pleasure!  There are only so many church events to keep people busy!  I believe this is why some of these male pastors don’t want women to get married because many are substituting church and male pastor attention for the physical intimacy they are missing.

Churches need to start addressing these kinds of  issues. This is relevant.  Women do not need to look to men or marriage for salvation. They need to be focused on what God has called them to do. What dreams has God called them to. 

Marriage can definitely be apart of that dream but far too many women have ignored their own calling because they're trying to run behind a man who isn't interested in them. 

While we are at it, why aren't the men being taught to be good husbands and fathers? These are real life relevant topics that churches could be discussing and teaching on and I’m sure there are many qualified teachers right there in church!

But are those people allowed by the "powers that be" to teach and do anything meaningful?
