Recommended Read: Ebony Exodus - Why some Black women are leaving religion

Ebony Exodus Project

I really enjoyed this book.  As a Black woman, I know that there are experiences that are exclusive to us that have grown up in, "The Black Church".   

One of the things that the author Candace Gorham so eloquently articulates is that the results do not match up.  These women are so fervent in their devotion to the church and many don't have much to show for it.

These women are exhausted, depressed, lonely, unhealthy and many are stuck and very fearful of life.

These don't have the abundant life that is spoken of in John 10:10.  

I've been pretty vocal in that I think that many of these churches take advantage of these lonely and miserable Black women.  The women are holding out for a hero, they need the church for socializing and for some type of hope.  

The hero is supposed to be God, often times the people in the church are  toxic and  miserable too so there's not much aspiration, and it becomes let's hang on til heaven and not do anything about our situations down here except hang in there.

The thing is at many of these places, the "pastors" or leadership is not qualified to give out advice. Therefore the women remain stuck.

Also don't get me started on the lack of study at most of these churches.  These women are ready to send everyone to Hell who doesn't agree with their religion but I'm sure if you asked how many of them have ever read the ENTIRE Bible or studied it on a regular basis, then you would hear crickets.

One of the points that I really liked was to point out how fearful Black women become when they are steeped in religion and the church.  I never thought about that before but it is so true!  They are afraid to make one mistake or even to make any changes in their lives.   Many are afraid to even travel or have any type of adventure!

 I find church is so limiting and stifling that it does make you afraid to do something out of the box. 

I did enjoy all of the women's stories.  I could identify and relate to a lot of what the women shared.  A lot of the verbiage and stories were familiar!  I definitely recommend this book!
