Leaving Sundays: Ebony Exodus - The Prosperity Gospel has got to go

A woman named Raina said the worst thing about Black churches is the prosperity gospel.

“This prosperity gospel has got to go. It is not Serving us at all. It's only Serving those at the top to fill their pockets and it's really distressing.  Especially when these people who are poor are convinced that, if they give their tithes they're going to somehow come into money. It doesn't make any sense.” - Raina

I agree. It's a bunch of false promises and nothing but a hustle. The church does need money to run on but maybe just maybe if the church encouraged people to take action in their own lives then they would have more money to contribute.  

Thriving people tend to be more generous but they're not going to contribute to mess and waste time with groups that aren't about action.

Treat yo self

Raina also makes a good point about Black women neglecting themselves.

"For some reason black women have been raised to believe that they're not entitled to have anything for themselves and this belief gets reinforced in church."

I agree. Each time I've left church I've felt less and less guilty about a “treat yo self” mentality.

I was an adult and in college before I learned it was okay to treat myself. I was always used to seeing women struggling and not treating themselves so I felt guilty about doing that and was even called selfish.

In church they don't explicitly say you shouldn't treat yourself but they do side eye because that may have been time you could have been in church and many of the people who have made choices where they don't  get to treat themselves are very negative

What these women must understand is that it is fine to treat themselves and take time for themselves instead of being martyrs to show how much of a Christian they are and how much struggling they're doing.

A great big weight was lifted when I realized I didn't have to go along with anyone else's agenda. I can live my own life and I don't have to worry about what the church thinks and I can enjoy doing what I like to do.  

I like community but church is too stifling for me. I don't think they allow us to embrace the fullness of our journeys. You're not encouraged to explore all that life has to offer because either your church forbids it or you're spending all your time at church and there's no time for exploration!
