Allowing Intuition to lead toward Excitement and Adventure

My theme for 2017 is: EXCITEMENT & ADVENTURE
My sub themes would be: “You may as well go for it and may the odds be ever in your favor”
“Donald Trump is President…anything is possible so ACT NOW!”
That’s why there’s a picture of Paris because after eating ice cream alone on the Champs Elysse ten yearsI vowed that that could never happen again. I need to get it going so I can go back soon.
Even though I still identify as Christian, I've decided to not let that limit in terms of studying intuition and the deep knowing that I believe we possess if we are open to it.   
As a Christian I think this is the role of the Holy Spirit.  He gives us this gift of the deep knowing.  Again this is one of those things that church doesn't want people looking too deeply into because the church cannot control it and people may figure out that they don't need the church to tell them everything.

I’m Doing it

This year I want EXCITEMENT AND ADVENTURE so that means it’s time to do something different. I have decided that when I get stirred up or something comes to me that I have strong feelings about that I am going to do it. I’m not going to sit around hemming and hawing.
I will say, “I’m doing it”.
I have a tendency to think everything to death. I like to figure everything out ahead of time so it all makes sense.
How many know life doesn’t work that way?
I’ve been telling myself that only action produces results so I’ve decided to take MASSIVE Action in all areas of my life.
In my business I’ve said that I want to see some big changes so when my business coach has offerings that I know in my gut will help me move forward, I don’t make excuses about how I can’t afford it. I say “I’m doing it. I can’t afford NOT to do it so let’s go!” and in this first 7 weeks of 2017 I’m already seeing a drastic improvement in my results.
As a matter of fact in January I had my best month ever and while nowhere near my goal, I know if I stick with it I will continue to see BIG results.
Last week I decided I should reach out to one of my best friends. I haven’t talked to her in so long and I want to talk to people who were in my life when life was more exciting. We ended up talking for 3 hours this past weekend! Even better she said she had been JUST thinking about me when I reached out.
That’s not a coincidence. It’s what happens when we follow our intuition and stirrings. Turns out the other person was thinking about us just like we were thinking about them.
I've felt like this before a few years ago and that turned out to be a transformational turning point for me.  I had this deep knowing that I should do what my intuition was telling me.  I didn't want to because I felt like it was out of left field and not my concern but it turned out it totally was.  I'm glad I I am doing it again.

Following My Intuition

Intuition is simply a deep knowing or feeling that compels spontaneous action. A deep knowing that draws you somewhere or provides you with insight or understanding and appears to have no identifiable cause. — Developing Your Intuition, Michael Heatherington
This year I have made a decision to follow my intuition and allow it to take me on an adventure. Come What May!
This doesn’t mean following whims, empty lustful pursuits, or following the crowd. This means following the deep seeded stirrings that appear to be coming from nowhere but are definitely coming from somewhere.
Part of my practice this year has been to focus on my vision for my life and what I want. I have it written down and I read it over every night before I go to bed. (I also have a written copy in my wallet along with a Red Envelope from Chinese New Year. I am covering all my bases!)
The reason I do this is so that my compelling vision is implanted into my subconscious while I sleep. I believe that doing this allows my intuition to speak louder to me and I trust myself more because I know when I get stirrings it isn’t some whim.
Again, I have been here before and it turned out to be a transformational moment.  Considering all I've learned in the last year, I'm listening to my intuition because there's something here.
Like every human being, I’ve made some mistakes in my life that have caused me not to trust myself at times. The truth is that when I’ve made those mistakes it was because I did NOT listen to my intuition.
One of the clearest examples of this is when I wrote down in my journal that I should NOT take a job because I didn’t think it was the right move for me. I had a Plan B but it seemed too risky and scary. I didn’t think I was good enough to pull it off.
I went on and took the job because it seemed safe and I could continue to make plans for my Plan B.
I went on to fail out of the job I should not have taken in 6 months and 8 months later I ended up working my Plan B and it was risky and scary but I did it! I couldn’t believe I had been so scared to do it because it all worked out.
That experience let me know that I should trust myself even when I’m not sure how it’s all going to work out. I believe all of us have Intuition that will lead us down the right road but we spend so much time cluttering our minds with “What if?” worst case scenarios and/or focusing on what we can see that we completely miss out on what life has for us.

Decluttering the Mind

We hold onto too many ideas, opinions, judgments and all sorts of fancy and useless knowledge and information. — Developing Your Intuition, Michael Heatherington
According to Michael Heatherington, the reason most of us fail to follow our intuition is because we allow our minds to be cluttered. We allow ourselves to get distracted by all sorts of things.
We allow ourselves to get distracted by what we see on social media, what some expert has to say, and so forth. When our mind is cluttered we cannot hear our intuition and if we do, then we talk ourselves right out of whatever our intuition is telling us.
I’ve started to make it a point to declutter my mind. This is includes cutting the Political News Shows. These shows made me feel negative and despondent about EVERYTHING.
If we are negative and despondent when our intuition talks to us, then we will ignore it or talk ourselves out of wherever our intuition is leading us in favor of a more negative and despondent view. “Oh it will never happen. It’s all going to Hell. It will never work out. Everything sucks”
Since I’ve stopped watching those shows (except George and Chuck on Sundays) I’ve noticed my mind is a lot clearer and I feel much more positive.
I’m also decluttering my negative beliefs and outlooks about certain areas of my life. I’ve started to talk more about what I want and being certain that it will happen rather than focusing on all the disappointments of the past or feeling ashamed that I’m actually being honest about what I want.
At first I was so embarrassed looking at my vision board and realizing what took up a big portion this year but then I decided that there is no shame in it. The shame would be missing out on it because I was too afraid. Just because I’m totally unashamed at this point!
Here is the vision on the Tablet!

Allowing My Intuition to Lead Me to Excitement and Adventure

As much as I want to allow my intuition to lead me to excitement and adventure, I know it will be hard for me. I like control. I like to know why. I like things to happen in a linear fashion but that’s not how a life well lived works.
A boring life with no excitement and adventure is linear and there are hardly any surprises.  It's fearful of change and excitement.  How is that witnessing to the power and Glory of God?  It isn't.
A life well lived is full of risk, adventure, and stuff that happens where people say “You made that up. There’s no way that could have possibly happened like that.”
Oh yes it did. These words by Leymah Gwobee are forever imprinted in my spirit. In order to do crazy you must have a stirring that tells you this cannot be ignored and you have to keep pushing forward no matter how it looks.  We walk by Faith and Not By Sight.
Here’s to doing Crazy in 2017 with Intuition leading the way!!
