Spring 2016: The Power of Now A-ha Moments. Aha Moment #27 - The POWER to Choose

“The mind conditioned as it is by the past, always seeks to recreate what it knows and is familiar with. Even if it is painful, at least it is familiar.”

It's time to say something

It's time to say something different

I often wonder why that sermon by Bishop Joseph Garlington was so life changing for me two years ago. I remember sitting there stunned on the pew for moments after he finished preaching knowing something had changed inside of me.

If you don't like where your life is right now, then it's time to say something different -Joseph Garlington

My life was changed with those words

By that point I was tired of feeling as if I was going around the same mountains and not making any real progress. I was tired of feeling rejected. I was tired of feel like I was settling in every area of my life.

But that was my familiar place.

That's what I knew. It was part of my identity for so long. Rejection and settling for the get by option. Always feeling like I was getting the short end of the stick. So why was I continuing to do it.

Because it was familiar,  It was comforting. I wasn't going to know what to do or how to respond if something different happened.

It's time to say something different

After that I made the conscious decision. I started seeing more of what I wanted in my life and saying I want that. I am not going to settle. I want that.

Choosing Something Different....

[She] may be acting out a mind pattern learned in early childhood according to which she is unworthy and deserves to be punished. It is possible, too, that she lives a large part of her life through the pain-body, which always seeks more pain on which to feed.

In my childhood, I felt like you never could be good enough. You were never enough and that's how I thought for so long. I was never enough and so I deserved the get by option because was unworthy.

I've talked about how in the summer of 2015 I finally ended the war on myself. No more. I am enough and guess what? No more settling for the get by option. I don't deserve punishment or to have to minimize myself, my hopes, and my dreams in order to make others comfortable.

I also no longer need the drama to feed on to  make my life exciting. Between building my business, writing, and personal development. As long as I could create a problem in my mind,
figure out a way to solve it, and get some drama out of it, I was good with it. I fed off of it. It gave me something to do. I no longer need that. I often reflect on how quiet things have gotten for me and I'm glad.

That nonsense was a waste of a time and as my dear Ingrid from Shiloh church said: a distraction...because NOW IS THE TIME.

Let me tell you this: without the self created drama, things have gotten much more exciting without me even doing anything.  I take each moment not knowing how it all fits together but it all does somehow.

Learning that I had the power to CHOOSE to say something different changed my mind and therefore changed my life.
