Spring 2016 The Power of Now Aha Moments: A-Ha Moment #23 Surrender and Taking Action

In your state of surrender, you see very clearly what needs to be done and you take action, doing one thing at a time and focusing on one thing at a time. - Eckhart Tolle

It's cool that I am experiencing this principle so I can say: “Amen brother!” I'm experiencing this ability to take action even though I've surrendered to what is and one of the main keys to this is to do one thing at a time instead of trying to overhaul my life in 6 weeks.

Part of surrender is understanding there's such a thing as the process. The process is what's most painful and most frustrating. Life is a process and process is life. If you resist the process then you'll resist and eventually hate your life.

For me in the past year or so I realized that I am in a process of tremendous growth so rather than resisting and getting frustrated, why not surrender and begin to build what I need to build.

I think it needs to be said again because it took me a while to understand it and I think it's a big reason many people are so frustrated and stuck in their lives.

Surrender does not mean you don't take action. Surrender means you do take action but from a place of clarity. This clarity will allow you to be methodical and to do one thing at a time rather than trying to overhaul your life in 6 weeks or throwing oatmeal against the wall to see what sticks

I can share the surrendered areas of my Life and how I'm putting this principle to use.

My Business

This year my focus is on expansion so I've made the connections to make that happen. I am focusing on growing and developing the newest expansion project which in turn is helping me to run my business more efficiently and professionally. I have other projects on the back burner which I work on from time to time but my main focus is on this expansion project for 2016. This is a much better strategy than trying to launch 100 projects at once. I have seen business owners who do this and it comes across as desperate and like they're all about the money. Every time you turn around they are hawking new products. What if they focused on one project per year and stuck with it.  They would be so much better off and likely see a bigger return.

My Fitness Journey

As I've said my metabolism has slowed and I'm stuck with this extra 20 pounds. I've surrendered that because of the choices I've made this is the consequence. So I've decided to make this my healthiest year yet and every month or so I'm focusing on something new to restore myself to optimal levels.

At the beginning of the year, I tracked my food for 3 months to make sure I was getting enough calories and systematically raising them to prevent further weight gain due to eating too little.

Next, I invested in high quality supplements to improve nutrient intake and because as I get older I want to make sure I only take in high quality supplements. I added in daily walks when I can to get more movement and not just exercise.

Last month I wanted to give my joints, tendons, and ligaments a break from all the excessive exercise (plus I'm sick of the gym) so I'm doing home  workouts focusing on flexibility, core strength, and conditioning. This month I'm challenging myself to drink a gallon of water and do yoga.

The Single Life

I am focused on BEING. I'm focused on BEING the type of person I want to attract.  So that required looking within and also doing personal development like the Proverbs 31 online bible study: the husband project. I signed up with no husband in sight because I realized I had no clue about how to be a good wife and what you're supposed to do. This study the husband project has me like wow because Much of this is foreign to me.

I don't have respect for most men and I understand that affects how I see relationships. The idea of wanting to do nice things for a man is: why? I may not get anything out of it and he may treat me like a doormat because I'm too nice. Now this is not the right attitude for someone who wants to be married.

Nothing has changed.  I'm single. Nobody has tickled my fancy since last year and as I keep emphasizing that fancy tickler was so good that I'm embarrassed at my previous fancy ticklers. For the past year and a half God has showing me what exactly we are holding out for and as I said if THAT is what we are waiting for, then I will gladly wait, put in that work, and do it with a smile! Cause I'm telling you we are talking straight up off the vision board

No Settling for the Get By Option

I'm taking action in these areas of my life but it is not frenetic action like I've done before. It's not wishing I was, “anywhere but here” desperation action either. It's action for here in this moment because I know if I keep doing these actions CONSISTENTLY then over time it will compound and then pay off. I'm not looking for quick fixes or overnight success. I know it may take a long time to see payoff but if I quit or settle for a get by option there won't be any payoff.

Get Rid of the Quick Fix Instant Success Mentality...

Any action you take may not bear fruit immediately. Until it does do not resist what is. - Eckhart Tolle

My business mentor has us reading a lot of books that constantly stress that success is built over time and it happens because of your daily habits. The choices and decisions you make in the now of every day that will determine the trajectory of your life and whether you will succeed or fail in life. Yes deciding whether or not to binge watch a television show will determine whether or not you fail or succeed because that decision will have an effect on how you spend the rest of your day.

It's the hours of tedious drills that an athlete puts in that leads to glory. It's the years of doing the seemingly unimportant tasks, being broke, and sacrificing that an entrepreneur puts in that leads her to success.  It's the years of personal development that leads a single woman to know she is enough and that prevents her from making a huge mistake in settling for a get by option but instead doing the work so that she can be the type of person she wants to be with.

We have all got to get rid of this Insta success mentality. Crops don't grow overnight. Not they are out in the ground, nurtured and cultivated, and then ripe for harvest. Most of us miss the nurturing and cultivating part.  We are too in a hurry to get to the harvest and that's we often get bitter fruit!
