The Eyes of Faith

I've had an a-ha moment this week and while it has been uncomfortable, this a-ha moment has given me tremendous peace.

On this Sacred Journey, I'm now at the point where I must no longer live by what my natural eyes see, but I must now see through the eyes of faith. We've all heard that often quoted scripture:  we live by faith and not by sight,  I've even quoted it on this blog, but now I'm beginning to understand it because I am actually experiencing it.

To recap the last few weeks I have:
  • Made Bold Statements in Prayer and actually believing them
  • Asked God for confirmation for those statements
  • Received confirmation
Now after all of that, in G's economy, this is how the story would go:
  • All of the pieces come together in dramatic and fabulous fashion
  • There's a musical number complete with singing, dancing, and even church jogging
  • The story ties up  nicely and we all go off into the sunset.

In God's economy however, things don't go that way.  It tends to go this way:
  • What God said starts to look like it didn't make any sense
  • Nothing happens or progress grinds to a halt
  • Things get messier and worse as you go forward.  The opposite of what you thought was going to happens.
  • Your mind tells you the whole thing is an exercise in futility and a figment of your imagination and God gives you the choice to complain and remain in the situation OR you can believe and receive the vision he has shown you

I have decided  I'm gonna live like a believer

*cue Amy Grant*

If you read this blog, then you know that last point has been a common theme for me.  I tend to get to that last point get discouraged, decide to give up, and try another way.  

Not this time

I am sick and tired of going around the same mountains.  I do the same three things every time God gives me a vision:  
  • do nothing and then promptly proceed to complain and grumble that NOTHING is happening
  • give up and decide to take what seems to be the easier route
  • give up and try to do things my own way
All this does is leave me discouraged, frustrated, and worse off than if I had stayed the course.

The Eyes of Faith

This time I have decided that I want different results, so I am going to go about things differently and walk by the eyes of faith.  I have no clue what is going on, but I am going to just keep marching on forward with what God has given me.  My job is to keep going and not to figure out how we're going to get there.

I'm walking by faith in all areas of my life right now. 

Professional Life

Last week I handed in my letter of resignation at work and I had so much peace about it.  I knew it was the right thing to do.  I have a vision of what I want to do next, but it isn't right in front of me.  It isn't the safe choice and it's not the comfortable choice, but it's the right choice.  I was scared to do this earlier in 2013, so I went with the corporate promotion. 

Six months in and now I know I'm meant to be out in the trenches making an IMPACT on people.  I don't know what my next roles are going to be, but I know that God is going to open up doors and I am going to begin to do what I should be doing.

Personal Life

*deep sigh*

 I know y'all may be tired of me talking about my single status, but yes I am walking by faith in this area.  With my spiritual eyes, I've seen the marriage and family that God will give me. I just don't know how it is going to happen and I don't really care. But as I told you before, remember this word: restoration. 

I've been carrying on about this for a few months and it is now December 22.  (Before this is the point where I would have said: "FORGET IT!  THIS IS POINTLESS!!")

 I'm still single with no VISIBLE prospects, but through the eyes of faith God has shown me that my time is coming.  I have to keep moving forward instead of going to the pits every time things don't work out like I think they will.  In my prayer time, God said don't worry about what you see or circumstances, but continue to press on and believe what I have shown you.  Keep on praying and don't stop believing!"

I said/sang "All right I'm gonna leave it to the Lord."

Sight vs. Vision

2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by faith, not by sight.

Sight focuses on what we can see.  If I just SAW my circumstances, then I would get discouraged because from what I can see my circumstances haven't changed.  I resigned my position and I am not involved in a great romance.

However when I approach my circumstances with the eyes of faith, there has been TREMENDOUS progress.  I have accepted the vision that God has given me and I am finally willing to endure risk to get there. (More about this on a later blog post)  

I'm willing to accept things aren't going to be perfect, there are going to be some messy issues, and I'm going to "compromise" some of my big ideas about what my life will look like.  I think that God may have better ideas on that front than I do. (I'm just saying)

I'm willing to do that if it means that I get to live in victory and bring others along with me.  I am also willing to do it if it means making an IMPACT and living out the purpose God has called me to.

God has given me a glorious vision and I'm no longer willing to miss out on it because I am short-sighted and focused on all that's NOT happening right now.

God's Word

I've had this scripture on an index card next to my bed for about 2 years now and this week when I read it, I found myself giving Thanks and believing it.  I think the blog is kinda like a billboard.

Habakkuk 2:2

And the Lord said to me, “Write my answer on a billboard,[a] large and clear, so that anyone can read it at a glance and rush to tell the others. But these things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow,[b] do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!


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