Lent 2018: Draw the Circle Prayer Challenge Begins - Week 1

I normally do Mark Batterson's Draw the Circle Prayer Challenge during Lenten season and this year is no different.  This year I am also doing it with a community online so that's awesome!

This year is a little different.

I've decided to circle 3...well 4 specific Topics in Prayer

  • Our Young People
  • Revival at Shiloh Church
  • Revival Nationwide
  • I decided to pray about what Brother Richard and I prayed about:  My fear and doubts regarding my personal life
On the very first day of the Prayer Challenge we had the shooting in Parkland, Florida.  Our young people are broken.

I've gone on record as saying we are failing our young people and the boys in particular.  Our young people are so broken that their teachers cannot teach.  They don't have anyone teaching them at home.  Our families are broken and splintered apart and kids are angry and facing abandonment issues.

In particular our boys are lost.  So many of these boys are lost, isolated, angry, and depressed.  These boys often grow up to be broken men who cannot be in functional relationships or properly love and parent their own kids.

It's all a mess.

I posted the above to my social media and I truly believe this is one of the biggest contributing factors to what we are now witnessing.  Most of these mass shootings are done by disgruntled and angry men.  Let's stop trying to sugar coat it as "mentally ill".  

Yes you have to be mentally ill to want to shoot up a bunch of innocent people but in reality they are mostly angry and hopeless people.  It's the same type of mental illness gang members who kill each other or innocent victims have or the same mental illness terrorists have.  

Yeah...the sympathy ain't so strong with those.

As Bishop Bart Pierce said a few months ago this epidemic we see of: suicide, homicide, drug overdoses, and mass shootings are all forms of escapism and hopeless people.

So it's a good time to pray for our young people.

Send a Revival

I believe there is going to be revival and it's going to be soon.  The way we are going is unsustainable and we need to be shaken awake.  Bishop Bart Pierce says that there will be a "SHIFT" before May 2018.  Well I think something is going to happen!

I am praying for revival nationwide.

We've got to get these false teaching charlatans out of here.  We've got to get rid of these folks trying to sell us Donald Trump as some Godly Moral Man who is going to lead us to salvation.  Even he doesn't believe that mess!!  

I believe there is some reason why he is now the President but him being some man of God and the very example of Christianity that we should follow?  

Revival at Shiloh

So I am praying during these 40 Days for revival at Shiloh.  People keep saying this is going to happen there and I am a believer that it will.  There's lots of excitement happening and the church is so tuned in to the Holy Spirit that I truly believe that there will be a big move of God at this church.  I want to be part of it.

I've already decided I am going to get up and testify about Ingrid, Brother Richard, and whatever else exciting things that are going to happen.

May the Lord appear to us again at Shiloh!!

My own Personal Issues and Doubts with Relationships

I don't think Brother Richard could have prayed any other better prayer than to say, "God I give you permission to direct the show and certify it by your Holy Spirit"  Right on.  Intentional but Unconventional

I had a dream

Speaking of which I had a dream this past week that was pretty vivid. There was even a soundtrack: Travis Greene's "While I'm Waiting".  I think I was even singing in my sleep.

  After that dream, I am positive that I will not die a barren old maid.  I also believe that the Lord is now fighting on my behalf and all that I believed for and all that was spoken will come true.  

Sound the cannon:  The odds are NOT in your favor.  Sorry for You

 They're in mine.  I will be the victor!!

This is only Week 1!! Can't wait to see what happens next!!
