Draw the Circle Prayer Challenge Lent 2018 Week 2: Revival and Shameless Audacity

This past week we lost Evangelist Billy Graham who was known as America's pastor.

I recently watched one of Billy Graham's old crusades and it made me realize what a fantastic preacher he was.  As one who was churched to death as a young person, I've heard my fair share of sermons and many were not good.  They lacked substance, relied too much on emotionalism and screaming, and we never got the message of salvation.

Billy Graham's sermons were timeless, full of substance, and he preached Jesus.  He didn't preach politics, legalism, or fluff.  It was just Jesus.

My favorite part  of his crusade was when the multitudes went forward as they played, "Just As I am".  We often did that at church growing up and what's funny is that Billy Graham was on the Terrorist list as far as the church I grew up going to believed.  He was in the wrong church so he was definitely going to Hell.  It was just funny to see the preachers copying his style.

I also admired Billy Graham for not being a sleaze and immoral man.  I'm sorry but that's well worth commending that he was not caught up in any scandals like many of these preachers are these days.

This isn't to say that I agreed with everything he said and did.  I totally disagreed with not having women in the pulpit and I am sure there are other things.  I certainly think his son Franklin is doing a tremendous disservice to his legacy with his political posturing and saying President Trump gets a mulligan or is some great defender of Christianity.

As I started reading up on his "crusades" and about the stadiums filled with people who came out to hear him speak, I thought: "That would never happen today"

Or Will it

During this Prayer Challenge, I am praying for revival.  Listen I believe it is coming to America and the rest of the world.  People are empty and American Christianity is in a disgraceful state.  DISGRACEFUL and SHAMEFUL.

We need revival big time.

And I do believe it is coming.  I've been thinking that for a while.  The election of Donald Trump confirmed that for me.  America was in bad shape if they were going to elect a guy like that and even worse Evangelical Christians were the ones championing for him.

I am praying for Revival.  I believe it will happen locally at Shiloh Church but also nationwide and globally.

Shameless Audacity

There is a day in the prayer challenge called Shameless Audacity. I can remember asking something with Shameless Audacity several years ago and thinking I received an answer.   

I don't know that I did but it made me want to ask with shameless audacity again even if I wasn't right!

My Shameless Audacity request this year is to be out of debt.

Something about sharing prayer requests publicly raises the stakes!  

There's other stuff but I think that's a good thing to share!!
