Recommended Read: More than A Carpenter, Josh and Shawn McDowell
This my friends is a FANTASTIC BOOK!!!
I despise anti-intellectualism and I especially despise it when it comes to Christianity. When I was growing up in legalism people told me I shouldn't read books or explore further because that is how one becomes corrupted.
This isn't true at all. As a matter of fact, you SHOULD be able to study more and get deeper into what you proclaim to be your life's conviction. You should know WHY you believe as you do and not just blindly follow a church.
What I have noticed is that the people who ended up leaving legalism were the ones who studied and studied themselves right on out of that group.
ANYWAY I like this book because it brings the history, it brings the facts, and it brings the theology to why Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God.
You know I once read an article about a young man who left church because he felt they weren't serious enough. He felt that the youth group was more focused on fun and socializing rather than answering his questions about theology and why he should believe. I have this same gripe with many churches. It's shallow, superficial, and focused on socializing rather than bringing the facts about why we believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
Here are some highlights from the book. This book does not ask us to check our brains at the door.
Wherever Jesus has been proclaimed, we see lives change for the good, nations change for the better, thieves become honest, alcoholics become sober, hateful individuals becoming channels of love, unjust persons embrace justice. (p30)
Historical Proof and Fact of New Testament Manuscripts
Jewish scholar Jacob klausner said “If we had ancient sources like those in the Gospels for The history of Alexander or caesar we should not cast any doubt on them whatsoever"
More than twenty thousand copies of New Testament manuscripts are in existence as of 2009. The Iliad which is second to the New Testament in manuscript authority has only 543 manuscripts in existence
One of the best chapters was about internal evidence that Jesus existed.
Several times in the New Testament people say that they were not making up stories but all of their encounters with Jesus really happened. (2 Peter 1:16) (John 19:35)
I also found it interesting how there was internal evidence that non believers saw all of these things happen as well and know it's true (Acts 2:22) (Acts 26:24-26)
Just think about it if this was all made up wouldn't all of the naysayers be up in arms as the believers say you know all of these things are true.
Christianity wasn't exactly the most popular religion at the time. If someone was telling lies, then they wouldn't say you know this stuff is true because they would be shamed and it would be further truth that this new Christianity stuff was all lies.
The conviction of the disciples
The disciples did not start off as the most courageous and convicted group. They did not believe after it was said that Jesus was alive. (Luke 24:10-11) Even Jesus’ own brother James did not believe in him at first but then became convicted and recognized as an apostle. What transformed Peter and Paul from deniers into martyrs?
It was their encounter with the resurrected Jesus that convicted them and that is recorded in the Bible
Personal Testimony
I grew up going to church every Sunday. Sometimes we had to go twice and on numerous occasions we had to be there all day!
However it wasn't until I was in my 20’s taking a New Testament class at Pepperdine university with Dr. Ira Jolivet that I learned what the greatest commands of Christ were. I did not have a clue before that class! I had been in church for years and years and never knew or heard that taught.
I had been indoctrinated with religion but never met Christ.
One of the reasons I wasn't sold on Christianity was because I did not see God glorified in my earlier religious life. In fact it seemed like blind religious belief was what NOT to do and in fact you should NOT blindly follow religion and traditions of men.
When my entire life changed in 2009 after accepting Jesus as savior, I Can say I understand radical transformation due to getting to know Jesus.
I've watched my life change
I have watched others around me change
I do believe that anyone who gets to know Jesus on that personal level will experience radical transformation
The author also shares his personal testimony at the end of the book and the radical change that Jesus brought to his life.
No Fluff-o
This book is definitely for those who are seeking the Kingdom of God and want facts and substance. This isn't a feel good book but one that will affirm your faith if you already believe Jesus is the son of God without insulting your intelligence or asking you to check your brains at the door.
It is NOT Fluff-o and that is a great thing!
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