Leaving Sundays: Crazy Love - When you're in Love....

I've never Been in love so some of what Francis Chan talks about is a foreign concept for me.

Francis Chan asks readers if they would be okay with the idea of heaven if Christ was not there. You could have no sickness, all your friends, riches, and everything but Christ wasn't there.

How many of us would be okay with that? I have to admit I thought: “Well yeah if you get everything you want who wouldn't be okay with that?”

But as Francis Chan says, if we are truly in love with God we would not be okay with a heaven without Christ.


This is a lot to process.

I don't believe that being down on myself or being motivated by fear and guilt is the way to ever change anything  and as I was glad to read neither does Francis Chan.

His antidote to Loving God More  is in two parts.

First is love 

We are called to love

This is one of the reasons I loved Shiloh church in Oakland so much. Their mission was simple:

Love God and Love People.

Second is Allowing the Lord to Change our Lives

One big change I've noticed this past 3 years is that I've stopped complaining and grumbling so much. Honestly after seeing how certain situations turned out I've been amazed by the grace of God. It lets me know that God knows best and sacrifice may not be the best way to label this season of my life.

In fact, maybe we should stop looking at everything as sacrifice and look at it as giving.

He quotes the great playwright George Bernard Shaw

This is true joy in life, the being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; then being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.

He will provide

At the beginning of this journey I was given a promise. On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided

This has been a true test of faith even now as I face a few weeks of no income but I know God is with me and he shall not fail.

I crafted my compelling vision at the beginning of the year.  When I asked myself how would this all happen I reminded myself that would not be the first concern of a  woman of faith.
A woman of faith would not ask how.  She would know who.

When unexpected circumstances came up and I started to worry about how it would all work out, I reminded myself that A woman of faith would not live in fear but she would believe God would provide the grace to get it done

Then I asked myself:  What kind of teacher would I be if I could not follow my own lessons? If you're going to live a dynamic and rich life, then you've got to take chances  and believe God for provision.

If you really want to experience God’s supernatural provision, then do as he says. Test him. Give more than you can manage, and see how he responds. - Francis Chan

I don't know how I will get all of this done and together but I know who will provide the way.

Right after I wrote this a friend asked if she could give me a customer for my network marketing business. I was recovering and was getting down to the wire. God is so faithful!

Bottom line is this: No matter how much I may try to figure things out or paste things together, this is always the truth!
