Single Journey: Reading the Wait but who exactly is waiting??????

I am currently reading The Wait by Devon Franklin and Megan Goode and I am really enjoying the book.

I completely agree with what I have read  in this book so far. 

Like most people, I thought that The Wait was solely about sex.  A large part of The Wait is about sex That's not the entire story though.  The reason you are celibate from sex is to be self disciplined, practice passionate patience, and to develop yourself to receive the full manifestation of God's calling for your life.

We cannot do that if we are blinded by lust or just indulging all of our fleshly desires.

The wait is the "weight room" where you're getting stronger to get ready for what God has for you.

Devon cited Romans 8:5-8 and I was forced to think about it

Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.

Check out verse 6

So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.

Isn't that what most of us see around us?  Death.  Maybe not in the literal sense but spiritually and emotionally.  The Walking Dead.  Zombies.  People who are living but not ALIVE.  Why is that?  It's because they are allowing their every whim, lust, and desire control their lives instead of saying..."I'm going to wait on the Lord and let him figure it out."

But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace

I have to say since letting go of the reins and letting God handle it all, I've been at peace.  I no longer rack my brains trying to figure it all out.  I no longer try to make things happen.  I just simply say "The Lord is with me.  He shall not fail."  Things have certainly gotten more interesting and productive since I stopped making a mess out of everything.

I just know that the Lord is with me and he shall not fail.  On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided because he is faithful.  I just have to stay faithful as well and not fall for distractions...even  if they look like the handsome motivational speaker. 

But who exactly is waiting...

While reading this book, I started trying to think about real life couples I knew who had Waited for marriage and shared their story.

I couldn't think of anyone I actually knew.  I knew of some on social media and famous people such as:  Ciara and Russell, Devon and Meagan, Cornelius and Heather Lindsey but who are real life couples?

I've heard speakers who talked about staying virgins until marriage but I couldn't come up with any real life couples who had Waited and were now sharing the benefits of maintaining celibacy and bringing glory to God.

This is why celibacy is not doing so hot in church and amongst Christian singles.

People are not practicing celibacy because they see no benefit and also there is nobody role modeling showing WHY we should do this.  Hmmmmmm.

I've heard plenty of sermons about not having sex outside of marriage because it's bad, because it's unholy, and because you'll go to Hell but what are the benefits of celibacy?  How will our relationship/marriage be different if we decide to delay the sexual gratification and instead be of one mind to bring glory to God. 

How come we aren't talking about that?

So WHY wait?

I know for me Waiting is a non negotiable and if you're not down with that, then you can suck it.  (Not mine but someone else's)  


I believe that if the purpose of the relationship is to bring Glory to God then we have to do it God's way 

Verse 8 says this:  
 That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.
If we want to please God and bring Glory to his name, then we have to do his way.

End of the story. 

If that means I'm single for the rest of my life, then so be it.  I'm just not willing to settle for the "get by" option.  Period.  It's not worth it.

So I know I'm waiting and I know WHY I am waiting...No Get By Options and No regrets for husbands.

To God be the Glory.
