Proverbs 31 OBS Wait and See: Week 2 - Not judging by the outer appearance
As a single woman, 1 Samuel 16:7 can have a different meaning. LOL!

It's easy to reject people because they are not turning you on physically and let's be frank, most of us tend to look at people with our hormones instead of our brains and that's what gets us into trouble!
However as a single woman I am praying that God is merciful and that the outward physical appearance matches the heart.
In all seriousness to even dig a little deeper on that subject what if the outward appearance of circumstances isn't the best? What then? We tend to judge people by the outward appearance of their circumstances. What if the circumstances aren't so good but the heart is right? What then?
Amen! To God be the Glory!

It's easy to reject people because they are not turning you on physically and let's be frank, most of us tend to look at people with our hormones instead of our brains and that's what gets us into trouble!
However as a single woman I am praying that God is merciful and that the outward physical appearance matches the heart.
In all seriousness to even dig a little deeper on that subject what if the outward appearance of circumstances isn't the best? What then? We tend to judge people by the outward appearance of their circumstances. What if the circumstances aren't so good but the heart is right? What then?
Outward Appearance and Christianity
I make no secret that I think most modern day Christian teachings and churches are shallow and superficial. It's all about the show. Let me show you how holy I am because I attend church regularly, I may give a homeless person a buck (and brag about it on Facebook), and I can say all the right things in public.
That's how Christians tend to judge who is in the in crowd for Christianity and who is not.
It's one of the reasons I got fed up with church and I am currently on hiatus. It's all about the outward appearance and not what is in the heart. I grew up going to church with people who never missed a Sunday (even Sunday Night...Arrgh!!) and went to gospel meetings. Always at church and by the outward appearance they appeared to be faithful but their hearts were just as wrong as two left shoes. How do I know this? Their actions and how they treated people.
The Lord isn't interested in the outward appearance of what you're doing. He is looking at the heart! If Christians were taught this, then they may not have the reputation of hypocrisy that they do.
The Outward Appearance and The Wait
We tend to judge the outward appearance of our Wait and neglect one of the real reasons the Lord has us wait and that's for our Heart to change.
We tend to complain: "Why God Why? When God When?" because it's taking too long, nothing seems to be happening, and we appear to be going around in circles. Other people add to the noise because they think we should be doing this and that to get where we want to go but they do not understand that what's most important is for our heart to change.
I always say: Mindset Matters Most.
In the spiritual sense: Heart = Mindset.
What I have learned is that we must stop judging the outward appearance of our wait and focus on the heart of the matter. Why does God have us waiting? What changes does he want to make in our hearts?
You ain't got a clue: You don't know what's going on anyway
One of the main reasons we need to stop judging the outward appearance of our wait is because we ain't got a clue about what's really going on anyway. God is way ahead of us and while we are getting so bent out of shape over THIS AND THAT, God is doing something altogether different.
This year God got me all the way together over that.
How I ended up in the Wilderness in 2014
A few years ago I was so bent out of shape about something and I said some terrible things. It was the incident that landed me in the wilderness in 2014. You can read about that on this blog. It's sectioned off. Well anyway I was judging the situation by the outward appearance and reacting to that. I had no idea what was actually going on....but the fact that I reacted the way I did showed me my heart wasn't right and that's why I ended up in the wilderness and had to get my mind right.
This past Spring I found out the truth. You know what? The terrible things I said were true but it still wasn't right for me to say because those things weren't said out of love. They were said out of envy, bitterness, and anger. My heart was dead wrong.
Don't Judge your wait by the Outer Appearance but focus on the HEART of the matter
What has been my saving grace during this whole: Wait and See era of my life is that I've stopped judging my wait on the Outer appearance. It's not about Waiting for this and that to happen or trying to figure out why this and that is taking so long.
It's about focusing on getting my heart right.
We've seen that my heart is stony and that I am not marriage material. For all intents and purposes AND everyone involved I should be waiting and allowing God to change my Heart.
This week in our study I have emphasized the word of Ezekiel 36:26 (NLV)
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Amen! To God be the Glory!
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