Proverbs 31 OBS Wait and See Week 1: No Longer Fighting The Wait
Since I've been waiting for a while for SOMETHING to happen, I've found the first few chapters reassuring and encouraging Much of what Wendy Pope talks about I've experienced during my own time of waiting. I've been said, "Mmmhmm. Yep. That's right. That's exactly it"
Some of the things that have stood out to me this week are
- Waiting is all for our good
- There is no need to run ahead
- God's Plans are much better than our run ahead plans
Waiting is all for our good
Every time God has called someone to do something great in His name they've had to wait. There's just no way around it. Even JESUS waited 30 years to start his ministry. (This is why I am always perplexed at people who start ministries in 30 days and then they are confused why it doesn't go anywhere)
The reason you wait is so that you are: developed, prepared, and invested in the mission you've been given.
This is one of the main problems in today's society. There are too many people who are not developed and unprepared to lead anybody. That's the reason they are only able to deliver surface level messages and fluff-o teachings. They did not allow time for their own personal growth and story development. They've read a book or done a seminar and now they are trying to teach those principles without any true roots into what they are talking about.
There are BIG differences between speakers who are able to share their stories with you and have an IMPACT and those who just get up and reel off the latest self help mumbo jumbo in order to get you to buy something.
Anyway I'm off track but my point is: If you have been called by God and your #1 goal is for your life to GLORIFY GOD then you're going to have to wait for God to develop you.
No Longer Fighting the Wait
That's why I stopped fighting Waiting.
What I wanted to happen wasn't happening so I decided to stop fighting it and just go with the flow. Clearly my ideas weren't that great so I think God had better plans and all my anxieties and frustrations have subsided because I've stopped fighting The Waiting Process.
Nobody Else but God
The scripture for this week is powerful. We think that our plans, other people, Superman, the President, etc. can act on our behalf when we are in trouble.
That's a lie.
Nobody else but God can truly ACT on our behalf and give us the results that we want.
That's one of the reasons our Presidential Elections have become so toxic.
People believe THEIR candidate is the one that is bringing salvation. Newsflash: Ain't NONE of them bringing salvation.
This scripture proves MORE than true in this day and time.
Nobody but God is going to be able to deliver the results that you want in your life and in order to get those results you have to wait and that doesn't mean not doing anything.
Tending the Valley of Sheep
I am glad that we are going to be studying David in this Bible Study. It was during the Proverbs 31 OBS: Limitless Life where I first learned about "The Valley of Sheep". I never knew too much about King David but to think he was anointed King at a young age and then spent a very long time in the valley of sheep without any kingdom or anything has stuck with me.
I don't know much about tending sheep but I am positive it is not as exciting as being King.
God may call us to do something and we are all hyped up and then he sends us to the valley of sheep. What's going on??? This ain't what you said I was going to be doing Lord! I must have heard wrong. No we didn't hear wrong it was just our time to be prepared, develop ourselves, and invest in our calling. That may mean tending in the valley of sheep which is messy, boring, and a far cry from what we thought God called us to.
I am excited about this Bible Study! I think I will get a LOT of encouragement to hold on and Wait and See!
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