I have Decided on a new anthem and I'm gonna leave it to the Lord

Many years ago I watched an episode of Touch by Angel.  I think this was the only time I've ever watched a full episode of that show.  Anyway during one of the scenes the workers who were being laid off began to sing to encourage themselves.  The great Jennifer Holliday sang a stirring version of To God be the Glory and another sister sang a song that I never forgot.

I have decided I'm gonna live like a believer
Turn my back on the deceiver
I'm gonna live what I believe
I have decided being good is just a fable
I just can't cause I'm not able
I'm gonna leave it to the Lord.

I never thought much of it, but occasionally I would sing that song because I really liked it.   Last Sunday evening, I randomly (or probably not so randomly) decided to look up the song to see who sang it.

Well color me surprised when I realized it was Amy Grant!  I rushed to I-tunes and downloaded it for my Ipod.  As I listened to the words, I was smiling, waving my hands, and clapping along.  Surely this song was an anthem for this season of life.

All week I've been singing at the top of my lungs with Amy before I leave in the mornings and I listen to the song multiple times a day.

Sometimes I change the words around a little

I have decided being good enough is just a fable...I just can't cause I'm not able
I'm gonna leave it to the Lord


I have decided being SELF-CONFIDENT is just a fable...I just can't cause I'm not able
I'm gonna leave it to the Lord.

I have decided...

  • I want God to break the chains of insecurity, doubt, disappointment, and rejection from my spirit
  • I want to place my hope in the Lord and not on circumstances and results
  • I want to open my heart and life more to other people and take the risk
  • I want God's purposes/plans for my life more than I want my own pitiful agenda
  • I want to come through the fire in this season of refinement to be the woman that God has called me to be.
  • I want to be a blessing!!
  • I believe that I will reap a harvest in due season if I don't give up!!
