Recommended Read: Instinct by T.D. Jakes

This is more of a Personal Development book than a Spiritual Book but I think it's well worth your time  of reading.

Using the backdrop of an African Safari, Bishop Jakes discusses using your instincts as a leader as well as in life.

To add my two cents, the only way to sharpen your instincts is to TEST your instincts.  This is where most people fail.  If you make a decision that was according to your instincts and it doesn't turn out right, then that's fine.  You're testing your intuition and to me that's the only way to develop a strong intuition.

Tons of Personal Anecdotes

I am always curious about how leaders got started and in this book Bishop Jakes shares quite a few stories about how he first started in ministry, relocated to Dallas, how his Woman Thou Art Loosed Production was a disaster at first, and other struggles he has  had along the way.

Some leaders yammer on about their struggles but they never share any of them and what they learn.  To me, that's not useful information.

Not so much Theology

This book is NOT about Theology which was fine with me because I was more curious about Bishop Jakes and his entrepreneurial philosophy.

I'm not one of these people who thinks that if you're in ministry that you have to be poor and broke.  While I will never ever condone people taking advantage or fleecing the flock, I am not mad at people who are in ministry and are entrepreneurs.  

Who says that you have to be limited to be ONE thing?  Why can't you preach and teach Godly principles when it comes to business and personal development?

Book for Leaders

If you're in leadership, then this is a must read!

Even if you're not a "leader" with a title and you know you're called to be an influencer, then read this book!


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