Recommended Read: The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

I believe every single person should read this book for several reasons.
1. It helps you to understand that the Euphoric "I'M IN LOVE SO PLAY ALL THE CELINE DION SONGS" is just a phase and will last about 2 years
2. After the Euphoric stage ends that's when True Love can begin because True Love is about service and ministering to your partner even when you don't want to or when they are getting on your nerves.
3. We all give love and receive love differently so we need to be able to speak each others love languages. We should know our own and also that of our partner.
4. It destroys the Happily Ever After myth. If you want to be Happily ever after then you need to be intentional and put in that work.
5. If you're single and reading this book, then you will start to realize there are areas in your life that you definitely need growth in.
Being Intentional
As a single person, I'm intentional about learning about relationships. Most of the advice our friends and family gives us on relationships is about how to fail. They are full of doom and gloom stories or telling us that we should just settle for the get by option.
I say Learn from people who KNOW what they are talking about. Talk to folks who have been in purpose driven, fruitful, and thriving marriages for 30 to 40 years. Stop talking to folks who are unsuccessful. Be INTENTIONAL about learning what you can do to be successful in a relationship.
I think a Book like The 5 Love Languages can help those who are SERIOUS and INTENTIONAL about having a purpose driven, fruitful, and thriving relationship.
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