Church Refugees: Will I ever Go Back to Church?

Lately I've been thinking about the ways I've been blessed at church these past 7 years. I've been blessed by prophetic words spoken from the pulpit and to me personally. I've learned more about my faith and actually DEVELOPED fait. I've learned wonderful songs that have become anthems and prayers, and after a religious upbringing church opened up my eyes to so much of WHO God is.

I've been wondering lately if it will be time to go back soon. I don't see myself becoming an active member of a church because I just don't think that's where I am but am I ready to even sit in a church again?

Maybe so.

Reading church refugees a respondent named Marcus said what I was thinking:

I DECIDED I WANTED TO DO things and not BE things and that wasn't happening in church. So I left

Another respondent named Julie who was a new Christian when she got to her church almost left because she felt Jesus was calling her to action and she didn't feel like caroling to invite people to their Christmas service or raising money to buy a new projector was what Jesus called them to do.  Luckily (her words) her pastor approved her to start a group centered on service and she was excited about that.

In church refugees many people seemed to be in the same space I find myself in right now:. They were open to a new church experience but not hopeful that they would find one because they've seen a lot.

As I'm growing in other areas of my life I do recognize that some of my cynicism and pessimistic view of church is due to my legalistic background. That was such an experience that I do have a wall up when it comes to churches.  I have gotten a chance to see that not all churches are like the Church of Legalism and some really do bear spiritual fruit that lasts for generations so I know it's possible but growing up with that experience has made me distrustful of authority and churches.

As I've said watching Donald trump is hauntingly familiar on down to the shellacked hair. Nobody has all the answers, Nobody is 100% right and nobody can fix it all...except for Jesus.

So I'll just continue to be open to the movement of the spirt and the movement of God. I may or may not be back in the pews soon.
