I'm Ready: To Shut up...and take some risks

I love to talk.

I love to make announcements, proclamations, and declarations.  

I think in this season of clarity and victory, I'm going to have to learn to shut up and stop announcing everything to everyone.

Sometimes it's good to make announcements so that people can keep you accountable.  One of the reasons I told people about doing my fitness competition is so that I don't drop out.  Once you start telling people that you're going to do something, it looks pretty lame if you flake out.


when it comes to some things...especially stuff you have no idea about and God ordered stuff, I think it's best to shut up.

I don't know what is going on so I should shut up

The truth of the matter every time I start talking to others and seeking counsel and reassurance, I end up more confused and not sure what to do.

So I have instituted a new goal for this month.  I'm only seeking God's counsel (How come it's taken me this long to figure it out)

I'm only asking him what to do and I'm not discussing it with anyone else.  I've already started and it's so hard for me not to go and share with others what I did or try to get their reassurance.  I'm only talking to God about it.

Truthfully, I don't know what's going on.  There are so many interesting things going on and all I know is we are this much closer to clarity and victory.

But since I don't know what's going on, I should shut up so that I don't jump the gun and start making announcements before God reveals what is going on.  You know how it goes...we think one thing and God has his own thing going on...so I will shut up until He gives me clearance.

Pray for me Y'all.

It's time to take some risks

My word for 2014 is: RISK.  

I'm willing to risk it this year.  I've already taken a risk in quitting my job and starting a business, training for a competition, and so I'm ready now to start taking some risks. 

I don't know how it will turn out, but I don't have time to be sitting wondering "What if".  I'm not willing to miss out on opportunities because I don't want to leave my bubble.

As I was driving home on Saturday, I got a chance to listen to one of my favorite talk show hosts who asked:  When was the last time you left your bubble?

Great question:  I haven't been willing to really step out to find out.  I've made moves sure enough, but I can't say that I really feel like I've taken a big risk out of my comfort zone. 

I think it's time though to take some risks and not go running off telling everybody about it.

Pray for me Y'all.


This is another blog post, but I want to write it down before I forget it.  Jakes preached a word that resonated with me and I want to make sure i write it down:

Opportunity is going to come disguised as opposition

Yes it is.

I'm ready to shut up and take the risk for it though.

I'm ready.

To God be the Glory
