I'm Ready: To Be Fruitful in this New Year of Life
Today is my 33rd Birthday.
From that experience I learned you have to keep on keeping on even when things don't work out like you want them to. It was a risk and I'm willing to keep it going.
Had this been a year or two ago, I would have spent much of the day complaining and grumbling in my journals about why I wasn't where I wanted to be at this point in my life plan. I would have turned on the Bobby Blue Bland "Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City" and listened to it 500 times.
I would have analyzed my failures to death, I would have pointed out why everyone else's life is better than mine, and then I would have turned on the Hoarders episode about the single and sad PE teacher buried under all the crap in her house.
None of that is happening this year
For one thing I'm done going into the wilderness behind this same tired story.
No my life does not suck
No everyone else's life is not better than mine
No I am not going to end up on Hoarders (Besides I'm working on the clutterbug issues)
Not there yet but we're getting close
Listen....I still don't have receipts. My circumstances aren't that much different, but I AM DIFFERENT. I have HOPE. I believe that SOMETHING is going to happen. Something exceedingly and abundantly more than I could have ever thought or imagined.
I haven't entered the Promised Land yet but I'm looking in it. I have hope that it exists. I didn't make any of this up and God is going to fulfill his purposes in my life.
I am not there yet, but we're getting close. I know because I AM DIFFERENT. I expect God to do SOMETHING.
So we're not there yet but it's getting close.
I'm Ready.
What I learned in my 32nd Year
I have already written my reflection about what I learned last year and how much I've grown. The top 3 things I learned in my 32nd year were:1. Selfish Ambition has got to go
It isn't about me and my PR campaign or resume check marks. It's about being a blessing, making someone else great, and best of all fulfilling God's purposes.
2. I'm not meant to live a mediocre life
I'm not one of these people who show up to work because it's a job to collect my paycheck so that I can pay bills. NO WAY. Those 6 months at my management job were the longest 6 months EVER. It is definitely not for me. I have to be around WORLD CLASS people and strive for excellence in everything I do.
3. Take Risks and Keep Going
This year I launched out on my own and started my fitness enterprise. There have been months where I've wondered "Well this is a little scary" but in the end I know I have made the right choice. It was a risk but I know it is just the beginning of something great and wonderful.
I also took a risk and began to train for my first ever fitness competition. Although it didn't work out like I wanted it to, I have made some serious strides and I know that I will be a competitive force to reckon with in 2015.
From that experience I learned you have to keep on keeping on even when things don't work out like you want them to. It was a risk and I'm willing to keep it going.
What I hope to Learn this year
1. Trust my Instincts
This year I want to trust my instincts and not analyze and reason everything to death.
The management job is an excellent example of this. In my journal I wrote down that I don't think I should do it because I don't think it's fulfilling God's purpose for my life. It was comfortable but I didn't think it was what I should be doing.
What I am doing now is what I wrote down that I should be doing.
Big Lesson out of that was no matter how scary it is...I need to go with my instincts. I had no faith then to do it but now I do.
2. Foster and Nurture Positive Relationships and Connections
Not just the LOVE ON TOP relationship but also friendships and familial relationships. There has been some reconciliation and healing in some relationships and I just hope to foster more positive relationships and connections. I hope to also RECONNECT with others that I haven't been connected with in a few years
I'm ready to let go of some of the older ones that like to wallow in the mire of the past and I'm ready to move forward.
I do understand now that I do not have to run ahead and try to MAKE things happen. When the time is right and he is ready. He will come and get me. I do not need to try and MAKE him like me. He will be attracted to my light and not any of the superficial stuff.
I will be ready to receive him and get the show on the road. Cheers to a positive life partnership designed to IMPACT humanity and fulfill God's purposes.
Watch this be a total blindside and not at all what I expected! YES! That means I am going to get more than I was even expecting (Eph 3:20)
3. Improve my Communication Skills
I want to be better about communicating with others. I don't want it to be all about me and what I think. I want to understand other people's points of view and their stories rather than bulldozing to accomplish my own personal and selfish goals.
I also want to learn to be more transparent and vulnerable. A big part of my teaching will be to tell my story and I want to be able to be transparent and vulnerable. I don't want to hide behind a mask and pretend that everything is alright.
I want to let people know that I was in the wilderness for years because of grumbling, complaining, being negative, unbelief, envy, bitterness, and so forth. I want to share the good and not so good parts.
I'm Ready to Be Fruitful
Well I'm ready for this harvest I've planted to begin bearing fruit. Pastor Patrick Kiteley prophesied to us that this next 4 months would present versions of ourselves we've never seen before. We will be transformed.
Well right on...In the book I am reading about the Fire of Delayed Answers Bob Sorge says that the delay is designed to produce fruit. Well GLORY. I have been delayed and I will have my fruit as receipts. Nobody will be able to deny that this was God. I couldn't have done this if I tried. I will be VINDICATED by my fruit.
Are y'all ready for this? I know I am.
I'm Ready!
To God be the Glory!
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