Draw the Circle Prayer Challenge Week 5 Update: I couldn't wait for Sunday.

Normally I do my prayer challenge updates on Sundays because the word we receive at church  ties right on in with whatever God has been speaking to me throughout the week.

Today I could not wait until Sunday.

It's Long Enough

I try to listen to at least one teaching every day so that I can stay encouraged and also so that I can fill my mind with the RIGHT things instead of WRONG NEGATIVE thoughts.  Today I listened to a podcast from the church I've started attending twice a month.  This was the church where we had the "set your foot down" move in the prophetic two weeks ago.  Anyway today I listened to a teaching from last year where the Pastor was talking about the Children of Israel in the Wilderness.


Well he taught from the first chapter of Deuteronomy and how the Children of Israel were one month away from entering the Promised Land.  He then spoke the word that many of us are at the edge of our own personal wilderness and we are about to cross over into the Promised Land.  

He spoke the word: You have dwelt long enough on this mountain and now it is time to cross over.

Oh my.  I received that word today in my spirit.  Yes the teaching was from one year ago today, but I believe a word from the Lord is a word from the Lord.  As the pastor said, if I received that word last year I would have drowned in it.

Let's keep it real:  If I had heard something like that last year, I would have given a big eye roll and sigh.  I would not have believed one word of it.

I have  dwelt long enough on ONE mountain for sure!

I know one thing: God said I have dwelt on this mountain long enough when it comes to my job.  Tonight I received the e-mail that I got the job I interviewed for last week. If you remember this was the job that I was too scared to apply for last year because I did not think I was good enough and I was too intimidated.

I marched in there this year bold, confident, and applied for the job.  Someone had randomly called and gave me a lead about the position and I took action.

I don't think it was so random.

Well today God had me cross over into the world class atmosphere that I have been wanting to be a part of for so long.

Marching around Jericho

Today in the Prayer Challenge Mark Batterson challenged us to be very specific in our prayers.  He said vague prayers don't give God a chance to get the glory.  I would have to agree and it was something I needed to hear.

The Prayers Under the Bed

Last year for 90 days, I prayed for my husband.  As I have shared, in the month of November there was a revelation.  

(Why on earth am I typing this?  Well because the word for 2014 is risk and I'm gonna risk this one big time.)

So after this revelation I asked for confirmation: that happened.

Now my first instinct was to second guess the entire episode.  I am NOTORIOUS for having an overactive imagination, but there is no way I could have made this one up.

That's when my prayers became very specific.  The only way these prayers can be answered is if God answers them.  There is nothing that I can do to make it happen.  As the Lord had said to me before, it won't happen by force or by might, but by His spirit.  That word keeps on being confirmed. As smart as I think I am, I couldn't manipulate this even if I tried.

Well after all of that happened, I was expecting some dramatic scene to occur especially since it was the Holidays.  

What did I get?   

Silence and a trip to the wilderness.

Once the 90 days were over I put the prayers away.  They are currently under my bed.  I haven't looked at them and I probably won't until God says to pull them out and give them over to their intended recipient.

Now those prayers are EXTREMELY specific.  I don't know why I was writing what I was writing half of the time.  

A couple of times I wanted to grab the white out or throw everything into the shredder because it seemed like I was either crazy or delusional.

My Jericho

Mark Batterson asked us to be very specific about the Jericho in our life.  What did we want from God? What do we want him to do in our lives? What are we marching around?  I couldn't just pick one!  So I have a 3 story wall of Jericho.

I asked God to answer those prayers under my bed.  I said there is no other way those prayers can be answered unless You do it.  There won't be any second guessing or doubting that this was of God if you answer these prayers.

I also asked God to make me a functional woman.  I don't want the title of friend, wife, mother, or leader.  I want to be able to FUNCTION in these roles.  I want to be able to be EFFECTIVE in these roles.  I asked God to change my wiring so I stop being DYSFUNCTIONAL and become FUNCTIONAL.

Lastly I asked God to take me beyond where my natural abilities will take me.  I'm smart and talented, but I want God to take me to the place that is beyond me.  I want to be able to do things that would NOT have happened except for the grace of God.

The Prayer Challenge Ends on Valentines Day

Now I say that not because I am expecting some grand conclusion.  There is a lot to celebrate on that day:  It's my last day at my job and I couldn't be more excited to start the next leg of my career journey. 

I find it symbolic that the last day of my prayer challenge is on the day when I normally would have been tempted to grumble, complain, and woe is me about my circumstances.  

I don't see that happening. I've realized a lot of the pressure singles face is from themselves and people who are in relationships and miserable.  Perhaps single people should focus on working to be functional people so that when they are in relationships, we can be the singles encourager and role model rather than complaining and making ourselves more angry and bitter.

Well that's all I have for now unless something else exciting happens!

To God Be the Glory
