Fall Push 2019: VICTORY!! Walking by Faith and not by sight
If I have learned anything this month, then I have learned this one super important fact:
Well I wasn't going for that....so I was standing firm against confusion, deception, and the wrong ones. On my social media others were saying the same things I was saying. Don't tell me the Holy Spirit doesn't have people on one accord!! The spiritual realm is real I tell you!!
One morning the Lord simply said: "The battle is won."
Spiritual Warfare is a real thing. The Spiritual Realm is a real thing and if you're truly going to walk in the life God has called you to, then you're going to encounter spiritual warfare and be involved in the spiritual realm.
Being Attacked in the Physical
I can count on one hand the times I have had to cancel clients due to illness. In the past month, I had to do it once and nearly had to do it again.
I woke up one morning and felt absolutely terrible. The room was spinning, my stomach was a mess, and I just felt horrible. I decided to push through and go to work. Well I get into my car, turn on the worship music, and start singing and praising God. I started to feel better and better.
I skipped my yoga class but when it was time to lead the 11 a.m. Prayer Call, I didn't even mention it because I had forgotten about it.
I decided that this absolutely had to be something spiritual because I only got better once I started praising the Lord and I had strength to get on with my day. I figured the enemy decided to try a new strategy since I wasn't giving up and backing down.
Praying Against Confusion
I had a real strong impression to pray against confusion all week. I really dug in my heels about it and stood firm against it.
When I prayed it at a prayer meeting on Friday afternoon a lady at the meeting said That was exactly what she needed. I really feel we are in a time where there is a lot of confusion in the spiritual realm and we need the Holy Spirit to bring truth and clarity.
I knew why I was specifically showing up to pray against confusion. In my Fall Push I was going hard about ditching Pitiful Pete and Pathetic Pam and letting people go who bring nothing but drama and confusion.
I really felt strongly about this.
The Bible says the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. One of the main ways he uses to destroy vision is to send wrong people into our lives. He brings counterfeits and uses deception to get us off track and out of God's PERFECT will.
Well I wasn't going for that....so I was standing firm against confusion, deception, and the wrong ones. On my social media others were saying the same things I was saying. Don't tell me the Holy Spirit doesn't have people on one accord!! The spiritual realm is real I tell you!!
The message was everywhere |
Even at Shiloh I felt like we needed to do some pruning and get rid of those who were going to make us lose. I had given that to the Lord as well because he had said that the truth would be exposed soon.
I got really excited when I saw Dr. Matthew Stevenson saying similar on his social media. Like Gideon, we needed to get rid of what was holding us back. Take off that which was holding us back. Cut the ones who God did not say needed to be with us at the next level.
My theme for the Fall Push was Acceleration.
How many know that when you get rid of the dead weight, you can accelerate and speed up because you aren't being weighed down?
One morning the Lord simply said: "The battle is won."
I had no proof of anything but I said, "Ok Lord if you say The Battle is won...then I believe it is."
Walking by Faith and Not by Sight
I joined the Freedom Ministry at Shiloh because I am passionate about people being delivered and set free in the name of Jesus.
They have you watch videos and training about healing so you can eliminate your own limits when it comes to healing and what God can do.
Welllll the first video I watched got me right together because the man said if you're going to be working within the spiritual realm, then you can't go by what you see. You absolutely have to walk by faith and not by sight.
When you think about it, it doesn't make sense to pray for something and then not believe it. That's not faith. The whole point of faith is to believe and receive. Receiving and believing doesn't take faith.
I have been told over and over that it's already done and God's already solved the problem, but the issue is that I'm not seeing it happen in the physical....the way I want it to go.
I have given up "the thing" (formerly this) and I have given it to the Lord.
I can't make it happen in my own strength
I can't even begin to figure it out.
All I know is On the Mountain of the Lord it will be provided and God will see to it. (Yahweh-Yireh)
I know that I can't go by what I see.
The Lord says the battle against confusion has been won. I choose to believe him despite what I see.
I believe that victory has been achieved. I choose to believe that despite what I see.
I have chosen to walk by faith and not by sight.
Friends, I believe I am heading into a climax for this story that I have been weaving for the last year or two.
Must. Keep. Pushing.
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