Fall PUSH 2019 Acceleration: Let Go

God woke me up for one of our 3 a.m. chats on Sunday Morning and while at first I tried resisting, I eventually relented and decided to join the conversation.

He led me to study the story of Abraham and Isaac.

I recently took a class where you learn how to Study the Bible so I began to look up words in the story that stood out to me.

And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son
to stretch out, extend, direct
to send away
to let loose
to let go, set free

I highlighted that last part. It stood out to me for some reason

As we went through the rest of the story, it became clear that God asks you to give things up when he knows you're ready for it. Why? To test your commitment. Are you committed to him or the thing? Are you committed to seeing his promises carried out his way or trying to fit it in your own understanding.

At the end of the story is this:

And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. 

And then I said...

Now this makes sense. The Lord will show it
Jehovah-jireh = "Jehovah will see (to it)"
On that note I can go back to sleep because God will see to it.
God will see to it. 
In Jesus name 

I ran out of that grave...

Later that same morning during worship we sang one of my favorite songs, Glorious Day by Passion.

I was ready to run during the part where we sing:

You called my name...and I ran out of that grave!

I actually did run a little bit and then during the next song, my sister Jan Renee came over to me and
delivered a prophetic word:

When you ran around that was you running out of whatever that darkness you’ve been holding on to. 
Today is the day to let go. Today is that day. 
Whatever I have been holding on to that has me feeling stuck. I’m not stuck. It’s time to let go.
You may have to do things differently or make some different choices but today is the day to let go.

 She was absolutely right!!  It was time to let it go.

So when the Worship team got back up.  I took off running around the area again!  I didn't really care who was watching.  I'm free!!

Whatever God has planned is what he has planned.  I'm done trying to hold on and make stuff fit my narrative...and instead I Let Go and I expect God to do something.

Come on Ram in the Bush!!

Here we are Send US.

Later that day I had the opportunity to hear my friend Bahar preach alongside her husband.

 Bahar and I worked at the same company several years ago.  She has been a tremendous encouragement to me during this season of life.  When I hit a patch of irrational discouragement during my fast a few weeks ago, she helped encourage me off the ledge with her empathy regarding barrenness.  She is also actively covering me in prayer and I am grateful for her friendship and her wisdom.

The funny part is that the service was in Spanish but my Spanish lapsed years ago.  I got excited during the Praise and Worship because I understood, "Yo Tengo La Victoria" and "Nadie es imposible" but I got about 1% of what was going on after that.  I really enjoyed the Praise and Worship with all of the horns and everything.  

I didn't need to understand every word to be encouraged and inspired.  It was also wonderful to worship with Brothers and Sisters from another culture and witness their passion and love for God.  I did download Duolingo so next time I go, I will understand 2%.

It is so awesome to see young couples who are on fire and truly a team for the Kingdom.  This is what God has shown me is to be my future and so I like to go and see it in action.  The more you see something, the more it eliminates limits in your mindset.

Yes it is, Here am I send me but for my life I know it's Here we are Send Us.

I have to say as I've decided to move on and also as I've let go of certain narratives, it's become tempting to go back to old ways of thinking like:

I am better off alone
I don't want anyone distracting and derailing my mission
I can be fabulous and excellent all by myself
See this was all a waste of time
It hasn't happened yet so it more than likely won't happen

No No No....That's pride and selfishness talking.  I don't want that kind of life and that's not the mission I've been called to.  I am called to walk alongside another as we colonize the Earth for the Kingdom.

I understand that now and I accept that it isn't going to be easy.  We aren't even having an easy time getting the party started!!

I often wonder why we think we are going to just slide on into things.  That's the American way but it's not God's way.  

So Come on Ram in the Bush!!

Le Sigh.

No better way to begin the Fall Push with Prayer and Fasting...so we begin a dedicated 10 Day Prayer Period!!

Let the Fire Fall
Let the Wind Blow
Let the Glory Come Down
