Relationships and Community: That time I ended up under a table...
I'm in a class called, "Worship as a Lifestyle" at Shiloh Church and we had a time of worship and impartation as the course was coming to a close.
I know I didn't. You can read this blog and see I didn't (and still don't at times)
Now though I know that in order to have the Life that God has for me, I have to give up my agenda, my timetables, and even my ideas of success.
It's about all of the lives that will be transformed and the souls that will be saved. I've been blown away by all of the stories I've heard from people AT SHILOH about dramatic life transformations.
Absolutely crazy...These stories happened because somebody decided to lay down his or her life and walk in obedience to the Lord.
None of it would be possible if people did not lay down their lives. THAT is why we do it.
This year alone I see things headed in a much different direction than I anticipated. It's scary and we're going down the rabbit hole but I just have to believe that it's all for my good.
I was glad to be able to attend the worship with several of the Ladies from Shiloh. As you know my theme for this month is Community. The best way to build community is to integrate yourself and get to know people. Getting a chance to enjoy a worship concert with others is a great way to get the party started.
Something about that Shiloh anointing...we were even blessed enough to get a picture with the humble Travis Greene. There was no entourage and "I'm too special to talk to you peasants attitude.
The song Intentional led all of my 2018 playlists and was especially helpful to me when life descended into the Twilight Zone. I couldn't figure out what was happening but I kept telling myself and singing "All things are working for my good...He's intentional. Never Failing."
I ended up underneath the table on my face before the Lord saying, "Take it away and Have it all Jesus".
34 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 35 For whoever wants to save their life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. (Mark 8:34-35)These are the words of Jesus in the New Testament. How many of us really believe this?
I know I didn't. You can read this blog and see I didn't (and still don't at times)
Now though I know that in order to have the Life that God has for me, I have to give up my agenda, my timetables, and even my ideas of success.
Why we are supposed to Lose Our Lives
The "Why" is what keeps us in the fight and keeps us going when it gets discouraging, when there's not enough action, and when we seem to be wandering in the wilderness.
I always like to have a Why when embarking upon a new goal and adventure.
It's daunting to be told, "Lose your life for my sake. Give up what you want for what I have for you Jesus gives us the "why" in the Gospel of John
I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels--a plentiful harvest of new lives.
Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity. - John 12:24-25
It's about all of the lives that will be transformed and the souls that will be saved. I've been blown away by all of the stories I've heard from people AT SHILOH about dramatic life transformations.
Absolutely crazy...These stories happened because somebody decided to lay down his or her life and walk in obedience to the Lord.
None of it would be possible if people did not lay down their lives. THAT is why we do it.
This year alone I see things headed in a much different direction than I anticipated. It's scary and we're going down the rabbit hole but I just have to believe that it's all for my good.
All things are working for my good...
Got a chance to see the amazing Travis Greene and he is so humble. He's actually the real deal. You see a lot of these people from social media and they're not so great in person but this is guy is legit. He has gone through too much to not be.
He's so legit that he had the worship "concert" in a bar y'all. Travis Greene understands that if we want to see a move of God, then we're going to have to engage the culture and GO OUT into the world....not become like the world but engage people where they are.
He's so legit that he had the worship "concert" in a bar y'all. Travis Greene understands that if we want to see a move of God, then we're going to have to engage the culture and GO OUT into the world....not become like the world but engage people where they are.
Something about that Shiloh anointing...we were even blessed enough to get a picture with the humble Travis Greene. There was no entourage and "I'm too special to talk to you peasants attitude.
The song Intentional led all of my 2018 playlists and was especially helpful to me when life descended into the Twilight Zone. I couldn't figure out what was happening but I kept telling myself and singing "All things are working for my good...He's intentional. Never Failing."
Out of the Comfort Zone...
I also did something out of my comfort zone at the concert. This woman kept coming closer to me during the concert and at one point I laid hands on her when it was time to pray and I sensed God wanting me to give her a message and so I did.
I told her to "Go. Take courage. Get up and Go. The Lord is with you. It's time for you to GO."
She was receptive to the message and I'm glad I didn't leave that place without doing it because the sensation was overwhelming for me to do it. I don't know what it meant and I don't think I was supposed to. I just hope that God gets the glory from it.
That was a major step of faith for me because I thought I might be making things up, the lady would think I was crazy, and I just don't do stuff like this but I did it. I was bold and I did it.
Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed...
The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.
- Proverbs 11:25
The next day was a time of impartation in our Worship as a Lifestyle class and I ended up under the table on my face saying "God take it away....Have it all and you be glorified."
Well then our worship Pastor Jamie lay hands on me and began to speak life about the, "New Things" that are happening. "Old things are passing away and it's time for the new things." She also spoke some other exciting words about my love for singing and wanting to sing to our "Papa God." Oh wow...
During her time of prayer I was crying and in shambles but I was so very hot. My forehead was sweating and sopping wet...Sweat wasn't running down my face but my forehead felt like it had been crying. It felt cleansing if I am being honest. I have read online that is a physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
I had just encouraged someone the evening before and then it was my turn to be encouraged. Our Lord is awesome like that
What's Next?
The New things Jamie prophesied about
The Launch of the next volume of life
More Excitement
More Adventure
I'm definitely afraid but that is good because if I wasn't afraid, then I would try to do it on my own. So my theme for this season is: Show up and Do it Afraid.
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