Recommended Read: Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis

This book is a Classic and I am not surprised because Lewis writes from a unique position.  Many Christian writers were churched or had Christian heritage.

I love hearing from people who came to Jesus as adults because God and Jesus are not too familiar to them.  They don't take salvation or the Lord for granted.

People who are newer Christians also aren't afraid to ask questions.  I love these two questions that Lewis poses.

How would we know the world has gone wrong unless we had a right reference point?
How would we know darkness if there was no light?

These are the types of serious philosophical questions that I believe would be helpful for Christians to ask in order to engage the culture rather than politics or worship wars. 

Lewis says that the reason he believes in Christianity. It is a religion you could not have guessed.

If it offered us the kind of universe we always expected, I should feel we were making it up.

So true.  I always feel that as hard as the Pharisees and Sadducees went against Jesus and the early church wouldn't they have dragged his dead body through the streets if it was all a lie.  Wouldn't they have charged the disciples for lying about disposing the Body of Jesus if he really hadn't risen from the dead??

Why would anyone even follow Jesus' teaching or any of his disciples if the whole thing was made up?

As Lewis says,

Jesus going around telling people he forgave their sins was ridiculous unless he really was God.

That’s  why saying you accept Jesus as a great Moral teacher is ridiculous because if he is not God the stuff he said would be absolute lunacy or he would be the devil and blaspheming God.

I couldn't agree with that anymore than I do.

The Great Sin 

Pride the great sin that we despise in others especially if we have a lot in ourselves. It is of the utmost evil. - C.S. Lewis

This chapter was so convicting for me that I read it three times and I read it every now and again when I feel pride starting to well up in me.

We love Christian conferences but I bet if there was one about the evils of Pride there would be crickets!  I did go to a retreat where the speaker spoke on pride and you did start to squirm in your seat.

It's really hard not to get caught up in pride in a society that tells you to post stuff in order to get likes and loves. 

A Classic to add to your Collection!

I wholeheartedly believe every Christian should read this book and especially those who have been around a long time!!  

