Level Up: Obedience Accelerates the Plan
In our Cleansing Streams class last week we talked about words that have been spoken over us and how the words we've sown have reaped and manifested in our lives.
At first I thought about not going because I said to myself, "I'm too old for this group. I will be uncomfortable. I don't want to. I might blow it."
Now what if I hadn't gone to the Grow Track?
What if I had continued to resist and be disobedient?
None of this would be happening.
None of it.
So we shall stand still and the salvation of the Lord!
Until I got into my group and started saying the words that were spoken over me out loud, I didn't realize how all of these negative seeds had manifested into my life.
It felt good to get it out and it felt even better to let it go!
It felt good to get it out and it felt even better to let it go!
I declared the new word over my life.
I was so emotional after the class that I went home and cried. Another big Turning point.
Obedience is the Gas Pedal
As a result of being obedient and going to the Grow Track, I made a new friend who is excited about everybody and everything. She invited me out to the Shiloh Young Professionals group and I usually work on Wednesday nights but wouldn't you know it?
My client needed to reschedule...so I saw this as God saying, "You better Go Get It."
My client needed to reschedule...so I saw this as God saying, "You better Go Get It."
At first I thought about not going because I said to myself, "I'm too old for this group. I will be uncomfortable. I don't want to. I might blow it."
After the Class the night before I knew where all of that came from. So I decided to put on my big girl pants and go. It turns out the group was helping to assist the church in assembling the Thanksgiving bags for the needy families. With all of the volunteers we assembled 1200 bags in less than 30 minutes!
So by the end of the night this is an accurate depiction of my face. My Body was also completely at peace and felt totally at ease. I felt this physically.
I decided that Either 1 of 2 things happened
- I got completely turned off
- I realized that I haven't made it all up. This is for real.
I chose to believe #2
I then went home and cried for the second night in a row.
Be Still and Know
That Sunday before we sang a fantastic song in worship (Video at the end)
The reprise has the following verses
Stand Still and See Your Promise Come
Stand Still and See His Glory
Stand Still and See His Power
Stand Still and See Salvation
Now if you remember one of the scriptures that God gave me at the beginning of the year was Exodus 14:13-14
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. 14 The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
Also Remember that prophetic word I received this past summer.One of the very first promises I received on This Sacred Journey was John 11:4040 Jesus responded, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe?”
17 But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!”
Now what if I hadn't gone to the Grow Track?
What if I had continued to resist and be disobedient?
None of this would be happening.
None of it.
So we shall stand still and the salvation of the Lord!
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