Fall 2017 Sprint: Betting on the Horse in the Mud

I heard this quote today from Dr. Crosby and I was floored.  

He said this at the Great Muhammad Ali's funeral.  In his later and silent years, Muhammad Ali was a media darling because he was in the winner's circle but Dr. Crosby talked about the people who were with Ali when he was in the mud and wasn't America's hero.  Back when he was ostracized because he wouldn't fight in Vietnam and was vilified for speaking out for Civil Rights.

This is what is true for most people.  They want to bet on someone when they are already established and look to be on the winning side.  Very few people are willing to bet on someone when they are in the mud or may not be looking like the prized race horse that they actually are.

What if that is our call?

What if our call is to recognize the POTENTIAL in someone and to bring it out and pour into them.  I am thankful for people in my life who saw me in the mud but still decided to bet on me like my business coach. 

 Right now practically speaking I am in the mud.  The reason she decided to bet on me is because she believes that I will be in the winner's circle soon and truthfully I believe I will be there as well.  

She always says that the job of a coach is to hold a higher vision and expectations than the client have for herself.  I feel like that is what LOVE is.  Love is seeing a higher vision and calling for someone else and helping them to achieve it.

The caveat is that the person must believe (even if it's mustard seed belief) that they will be there as well. 

The risk....

The risk of betting on the horse in the mud is that he may not get out of the mud.  For every story of the person who bet on the horse in the mud and ended up in the winner's circle, most of us can point to at least 5 stories of people who bet on the horse in the mud and ended up in the pit!

Well that's what Life is about: Risk.  There are no guarantees.  

Everyone wants to believe that because someone:
  • comes from the right neighborhood
  • comes from a two parent family
  • was raised in church
  • Never been in trouble
  • went to college 
  • went to a fancy college
  • Got Advanced Degrees in the RIGHT field
  • Has an important Title at their job
  • is in the right tax bracket
That they are in the winner's circle.  WRONG!  You can have all of these things and still be in the mud and miry pit.  I've seen it happen.  These are all external attributes.  It says nothing about the heart and soul of the person which is really what is going to put them into the winner's circle.

I would rather take the person and BE who may come from a more challenging background and has a heart of faith, integrity, positivity, service, and purpose than be the person with all of the external attributes but the wrong heart and mindset.

How this fits in with vulnerability

Vulnerability is all about risk.  

Vulnerability is about betting on the horse in the mud and acknowledging that is what you are doing.

Vulnerability is about holding a vision and belief higher than someone has for themselves and running the risk that they may not make it out of the mid.

Vulnerability is about betting on the race horse, they get to the winner's circle, and they drop you.

Vulnerability is about betting on the race horse, they get to the winner's circle, and you have a wonderful story of faith and love that will inspire many.

You can't get to any of these scenarios without being vulnerable and willing to make that bet on the race horse in the first place.

We must dare Greatly, show up to the arena, and place our bets.

My prayer is that God will show me the right horse to bet on, I take the risk, and go for it.

May the Odds be ever in my Favor!
