Recommended Read: Wait and See Wendy Pope
This was a phenomenal book by Wendy Pope and I recommend it for anyone in a season of waiting.
Finding Peace in God's Pauses and Plans was something I learned Big time in 2016. Sometimes we can get so frustrated because we think we are waiting too long, nothing's happen, we're missing out, and God will show us...uh you didn't miss out on anything (except a train wreck)
As Wendy reminds us in this book, "You are waiting for a reason. Instead of trying to answer your own prayers, worry about what God is telling you to do NOW.
More than anything what I liked about it is that she asked us to write our own stories of Waiting during this study. It felt very interactive and it helped reinforce the lessons she was teaching.
Being in a season of waiting can get frustrating. It's frustrating when it feels like nothing is happening. It's frustrating to feel as if there is little to no progress happening. By writing down your story, you DO see how far God has brought you and then of course there's the element of "Wait and See"
Throughout the book she tells stories of her own wait and the wait of others.
I also liked that she told RELEVANT stories of Waiting...whether it was about herself or other people. So many times you read these books and people just like to tell the sanitized versions of what happened during their wait. They don't like to be honest and talk about doubts, fears, getting angry, discouraged, or becoming fearful. They may mention it but they don't give an honest account of what happened.
Wendy did not do this in Wait and See. She talked honestly about how it took her a long time to see fruit and how she did become discouraged and defeated at times. I loved that honesty.
I definitely recommend this book for your reading pleasure ESPECIALLY if you are in a Waiting Season!
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