Here's to a Year of Excitement and Adventure

My 2017 Theme is Excitement and Adventure.
To quote 49ers great Bubba Parris: 
“I am excitable and I love excitement.”
 Exactly. I have never wanted to live a boring mundane life doing the same old boring routine for years and years.
It’s not that my life is boring because it isn’t. In the past few years: I’ve quit a corporate job, started 2 businesses, started writing projects, and focused on my own Personal Development.
However I feel that I could use some more excitement and have more adventures. (NOTE: When I say Excitement, I’m talking about good excitement).
I want to feel fired up not just about my work but also to feel fired up in my personal life. I want to be excited to see the seeds begin to sprout from all of the personal development work I’ve been doing. I want fireworks (GOOD FIREWORKS).
I want more adventure. I want to push myself to take risks and get out of my comfort zone. I want do things different from the way I normally do them because I am looking for different results.
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” — Henry Ford
In 2017 I don’t want what I’ve always got. I want something different. I want something bigger and better than what I’ve got.
I don’t believe that we can be passive in life and just expect excitement and adventure to happen. Here are several steps I’m taking to make my life more exciting and more adventurous.
  1. Planning: I get it Planning doesn’t seem very exciting but I believe that if you want to have more adventure and excitement in your life, then you will need to plan for it. I’ve got some dates in my calendar for vacation and events that I would really like to attend. I know that if I don’t plan for these events financially or from a time management perspective, then it won’t happen.
  2. Instead of saying I can’t afford it, I say “Can I afford NOT to do this?” I don’t think you should get yourself further into debt or do things that you really cannot afford but there have been opportunities in my life that I could not pass up because I could not afford to miss out. When my business coach called me and asked if I wanted to sign up with her for 3 months, my mind was telling me No because you can’t afford it but my inner voice was saying, “You don’t know what you’re doing and she does. Just the one event you attended with her caused you to expand your mindset. You cannot afford to NOT do this. It’s an investment. I signed up and I saw immediate fruits that would not have happened if I had not signed up. Instead of immediately saying, “I can’t afford it.” I ask myself “Can I afford NOT to do this?”
  3. Not get too caught up in the How: Often what causes us to miss out on the Excitement and Adventure of Life is overthinking everything. “How will this happen?” We can literally think excitement and adventure TO DEATH. We completely kill it. I’ve decided to not get too caught up in the How but focus on doing my part and let the rest sort itself out.
  4. Hang out with people who are living with EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE: Your life is only as big as who you surround yourself with. If you’re around people that aren’t doing anything exciting or adventurous, then it’s more than likely that you won’t either. This year I am intentionally networking and connecting with people who live lives that are exciting and adventure because it lets me know what is possible if I can just get out of my own way.
  5. Not Force the Excitement and Adventure: There have been times when I have tried to FORCE excitement and adventure in my life and guess what? It has never been exciting NOR was it adventurous. It just felt forced and not fun. I’m open to excitement and adventure and I’m ready to let it happen.
So that’s it! Here’s to 2017 being a year of (Good)Excitement and Adventure!
