Daniel Fast Spring 2015 Apr 9 -30 First 2 days are already FIYAH! Unemployed and Cutting Soul Ties
I tell you. Well after Sunday I physically and mentally felt sick and in need of a detox. Physically it could have been the heavy and rich meal I ate on Sunday. Mentally and Spiritually I felt like there was some cleansing that needed to happen. A breakthrough.
Do you know what the first thought I had about fasting?
In her prophetic word on Sunday, Ingrid said that all of the distractions would go away and I would be able to focus on what God has called me to in this season.
I began to think about the distractions part: Surely my focus on why I'm not married and trying to stay on the lookout for any sort of prospective glimmers of male hope is a distraction but are there others?
Yes. Fitness.
For the last year I have been focused on doing a fitness competition. About a month before I abandoned ship last year, I came to the conclusion that doing this to seek validation, attention, or receive salvation from this was the wrong motive. I wasn't going to meet the man of my dreams doing this and I wasn't going to receive any validation either.
I've been doing my Spring Training this year and thinking about choosing a competition but as I've been looking around at the competition world I realize that a lot of this is self obsession and unhealthy. People who are using fitness as some sort of idol or salvation to what ails them and it's absolutely obsession, disordered thinking, and disordered eating....all in the name of a superficial pursuit that won't make them feel any better at the end. I realized last year I was becoming like that too.
I had a moment when I realized it was a distraction.
It feels like a breakthrough needs to happen and sometimes the only way that can happen is through fasting. I started thinking about fasting earlier this week and then I received confirmation with this book I am reading about female sexuality and faith. The author encouraged women to fast to breakthrough with some of the past and also to recommit themselves to God.
Do you know what the first thought I had about fasting?
Oh no. What about my fitness meal plan and workouts. I can't do that.
God has called me to fast and I'm sitting up here worried about meal plans and workouts. Nope. This is a distraction and has become an idol in my life. That confirmed it. I was doing the fast. I e-mailed my coach to let her know and I am doing the Daniel Fast from Apr 9 -30.
My diet for the next 3 weeks: No meat, no dairy, no eggs. no added sugar items, minimal processed foods. Fruits, veggies,
I am working out but it is just for fun. What ever I feel like doing. If I feel like lifting weights great. If I want to take a Yoga class, wonderful. If I want to run...wonderful but it's about being active and not letting fitness control my life.
Day 1 - Sayonara!
Yesterday was the first day of my fast and I went in and resigned from my job.
I sure know how to start things off with a bang. It went really well. I will be allowed to stay on until the end of the month and I will be eligible for rehire because my boss told me I've been wonderful and I'm not a troublemaker.
I went straight from that meeting into a divinely ordered focus group meeting where I received a lot of EXCELLENT insights on career navigation and the human experience. The truth is: We're all just trying to figure it out.
It was an excellent first day. The Lord is with me. He will never fail. Part of me is scared about what will happen next but the other part of me says: GOD IS WITH ME! I AM GOING TO DO IT AFRAID! I know this is the right thing to do
Day 2 - Break every Chain
In this book, the author began to talk about Soul Ties. For those that don't know a soul tie is when your soul is knit with another. Soul ties can happen with friendships but when people speak of soul ties they usually are referring to sexual unions. While I don't have that issue, emotionally I felt like there were some soul ties that needed to be broken. At first it seemed silly but then I began to pray to break those ties and asked God to restore that back to me. People I had made idols in my life and there was a soul tie there. It was time to let it go. At the end of the chapter when the author offered her prayer, she said soul ties may not necessarily be all about sex. It may have been something emotional that should only be reserved for your Savior. I felt relieved. So I wasn't wrong. This needed to happen.
No man shall be my idol ever again.
I will not place my worth, my value, or believe that feelings/what others say dictate God's will again. Because of that, I have harbored a deep distrust and anger at God for years and just started getting unstuck from it last year. Well now I say Break every chain. Break all the WRONG soul ties in Jesus' name.
The reason we don't talk about this as Christians is because we're afraid of sounding like psycho kooks but our enemy is not flesh and blood. We are fighting spiritual warfare...and that is stuff that we cannot see in the spiritual realm. I believe that today a major breakthrough occurred in the spiritual realm as I asked for God to break these unholy alliances and chains.
This is only the second day.
By April 30, I believe that my life will be radically different in a GREAT way because I have obeyed and stepped out on faith. The word for this year is: VICTORIOUS.
To God be the Glory
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