It's a New Season: Perspective Changes without the rams horn, Original Intent, and Trying not to be a hater

This past week has been pretty quiet on this sacred journey.  I haven't had any big A-ha moments or any kabooms, but there have been profound moments. I expect the trumpets to sound and the confetti to fall from the ceiling but none of that happened.

A Simple Request brings Perspective Change

I keep waiting for the boom to be lowered but as I'm beginning to see it doesn't happen that way.  I'm going to share something that I talked about a few weeks ago on the blog.  I talked about how something happened which changed my entire outlook about myself and helped bring clarity.

If you recall a few weeks ago, I said that SOMETHING happened which changed my entire outlook.  I wasn't ready to share what it was then, but now since I am learning to let down walls, I would like to share what that SOMETHING was.

A few weeks ago I received a request on social media.  I didn't think too much about it when I got it because I recognized the name and remembered hearing this person speak when I was a teenager.  I thought it was random but didn't think any of it.  I didn't know that this simple request was going to change my entire perspective.

It may sound like I am being dramatic but I am not.  Within the span of 3 days after accepting that request everything changed in the way I saw myself and what I wanted in my life.  I suddenly realized how much I lowballed myself and decided to settle for less because I did not think I could do any better. 

I also came to realize how being me was good enough and could attract World Class Top Tier Talent. I did not need to pretend I was something I was not.  I did not need to modulate or TURN DOWN FOR WHAT to make people feel better. 

During this time I abandoned all my superficial male social media pursuits because I saw what it was that really stirred me up and got me going.  It wasn't pecs and abs.  It was intense passion for the human condition.  I have been writing about this type of Passion in my vision journal all year. 

I share that to say that I think that's how life goes.  The day you receive a perspective change maybe the rams horn isn't going to sound and the lightening going to flash across the sky.  Maybe it's a day like any other and then all of a sudden it all changes without the theatrics.

Original Intent

I have stated and declared on this blog over and over again that this is about restoration.  Well during this past week, this question has been on my heart and several people have come along to confirm this to be true.

The question was:

What if you lost everything SO THAT original intent was restored?

One of the former VP's at my former company shared her testimony on Friday and it answered that exact question.  She lost everything.  Her marriage, her job (twice), all of her material items, her church, her ministry (she led Bible Study), her finances,  most of her friends, and at times her sanity!  But she has stood strong and she says now she is more at peace than ever.  She shared that the life she had when she "had it all" was plastic and fake. She looked great on the outside but was miserable on the inside. She shared how she cried out to God for an AUTHENTIC life and he answered by having her walk in the wilderness these past 5 years.  

She says that losing it all was the best thing to happen to her and she is more at peace than ever before because she knows God has her back and now she can do what she is purposed to do.  Her original intent and calling from God.

Another friend shared that he too lost everything and I know he was SUPER SUCCESSFUL in the tech industry, but he says that he has been set free from above to do what God has called him to do.  He no longer worries about acquiring stuff.

Isn't that amazing? 

Like I said There haven't been Kaboom moments but there have been pretty profound moments.

Trying not to be a Hater

One thing I don't like about social media is that sometimes they show posts about people that you don't like.  I had this happen this past week.  I ran across some great news about someone who I don't like very much because they hurt my feelings pretty badly over 10 years ago.  I found myself scowling at the picture and beginning to start in on:

Why God Why
When God When
Why does HE get all the good news and I still have nothing...not even a dog.

I then told myself this was the wrong attitude and then prayed for God to bless this person.  I still thought some angry thoughts about it.

Well it happened again yesterday and I scowled again and thought about how this person isn't even that great looking anyway and blah blah blah.  I am being petty and I know it.At least now I recognize it and decide I need to do better.

God blessing others does not mean he will not bless me nor does it impact my blessing.

I am trying not to be a hater.

That's a maturity marker right there:  How do I act when someone else (especially someone who has hurt my feelings in the past) has what I want and I don't have it yet.

Le Sigh.

I will do better.

We're saying something different in this new season.
I like what someone said today:  I'm saying what I see so I can see what I say.

To God be the Glory
