It's a New Season and it's a new day: The word is RESTORATION (Told you so)

I told you so.

I claimed this a long time ago.  I said that whatever God has planned is all under the umbrella of restoration. 

Today in church Pastor Patrick Prophesied a little something about dreams.  He said dreams had to die SO THAT they could live.  Many times we want to make our own dreams come true but if you are a believer then you've got to get to the place where you know this is nothing but God and he shall be glorified in your dream coming to pass.

That's where the POWER and VICTORY comes from.

I am bearing witness to all of this because it lines up exactly with where we are on in this Sacred Journey.

Do I have receipts just yet?  No..not yet but every week it seems we are making bigger and bigger steps toward the new season.


Isaiah 61:7

This was the word of the Lord way back when I first started this journey.  He kept impressing this scripture upon my spirit.

Instead of shame and dishonor,
    you will enjoy a double share of honor.
You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land,
    and everlasting joy will be yours.

The Lord showed me that this vision I have is one of restoration.  I don't know what it all entails, but I know that part of my mission and part of his purpose is restoration.  I believe that I am the answer to someone's long unanswered prayer.

I don't say that in an arrogant manner but however God wants to use our lives it has to be together.  

Isn't this a trip?

Original Intent and Purpose

Pastor Patrick spoke a word today that explained it more clearly:  He said that God will restore the original intent and purpose of our lives.

I'm going to share what God has shown me in my times with Him.  It seems right to put this down now before I actually see it happen.

God has shown me that whomever he sends me had a call on his life but due to circumstances and whatever happened that was all lost.  God showed me this poor gentleman lost EVERYTHING.  I don't know what EVERYTHING means but he said EVERYTHING.

Now comes the restoration and double portion and I am apart of that.

He has already restored my vision.  Before all this happened last year, I was pretty hopeless and drifting along.  I figured whatever big visions and dreams I had were all made up.  Not going to happen.  I would just need to settle..  I was tempted to go another way and focus on selfish ambition BUT God caught me and snatched me and put me back on this right road SO THAT I could fulfill my purpose and help a whole lot of people.

As Pastor Patrick said today: God's original intent and purpose will be restored to both of our lives

God has been showing this last year and a half that this is a mission of restoration.  I will be used to lead my husband back into a fresh relationship with Christ SO THAT he can be great.  Apparently this guy has a lot of power and influence but in order for him to do what he needs to do he needs supernatural power.

It's a New Season and It's a New Day

I have no clue what God is doing but it is POWERFUL.  I can tell you that.  It's also exciting as he reveals it brick by brick.

I think the great Israel Houghton says it best:

It's a new season
It's a new day
A fresh anointing is headed my way
A season of POWER and PROSPERITY
It's a new Season coming to me
