Limitless Life Bible Study Week 2: Deceived into Doubting

You can't connect the dots looking forward; You can only connect them looking backwards

When I read these words while doing my Bible Study in the coffee shop this past week, I literally slammed my hand down on the table and said "Yes!"  That quote sums it up PERFECTLY.

I have said again and again the purpose of this blog is to put the dots down on the paper as they are occurring.  I was tired of reading and hearing all of these testimonies AFTER the people connected the dots on what God was doing.  What happens when you're just putting the dots down on paper? I wanted to read that journey, so I decided to take that challenge on.

I am recording my journey as it happens.  I don't know how it all fits together or how the story will turn out but as I keep saying, I expect God to do SOMETHING.

Going Underground

Let me be honest here:  Near the end of 2013, I was fired up and ready to go!  I just knew something wonderful and marvelous was going to happen.  As we started the year, I was anticipating the fire to rain down from heaven.

Absolute Silence

So then for a while I went back to my default mode and I figured nothing was going to happen.  Besides I was busy with my accelerated refiners fire program so this was not the best time for major excitement.

I had those prayers under my bed that I declared that only God could make it happen, so I came to the conclusion if it was his will then so shall it be.  At the time I felt led to pray those prayers and I was fine with the turn out either way it went.

I realized a few weeks ago I had the 3 Hebrew Boys spirit..."Well EVEN IF it doesn't happen, I will still believe God".  When I first decided to step out on faith and take a major risk, I worried my faith would be shattered if it didn't happen.  As time went on, the very opposite happened.  My faith was STRENGTHENED because I realized God was listening to me and EVEN IF nothing happened, at least he knew I trusted him enough to give it a try.

I find it symbolic that I put those prayers under my bed.  Now I think of it as literally planting seeds of faith in the ground.  My seeds went underground and are being nourished by the Holy Spirit. 

Deceived into Doubting

I have to tell you when everything disappeared I thought "Oh well maybe I made it all up after all, but at least I tried."  I started having doubts because there was absolute silence when it came to those prayers.  I began to go back to default level and I started to be deceived into doubting, but I kept telling myself that "Regardless of what happens, God has a purpose and plan".

I was not going to give in to Satan's tricks of filling my mind with doubts about the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  I was also not going to be convinced that I should not pray bold and risky prayers.

I believe God likes to send us encouragement from time to time to keep on keeping on and so I will take it!  My resolve has been furthered strengthened.

We Live in a Messy World God is Not Far From Us

I must say that on the surface this situation appears to be messy and not something I would choose to get involved in, but I'm all in now. The only way it will turn out is by His Spirit.  As a human being I want to take the path of least resistance.  I want a fairy tale story, not a messy story but God's glory is best seen taking a mess and turning it into a masterpiece.  

One of my favorite quotes from Jesus is after he raised Lazarus from the dead.

John 11:40

Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believed?

Mark Batterson said it so right on in Draw the Circle.  We don't see God's glory enough because we don't take chances.  We don't have those glorious testimonies because we aren't willing to risk looking foolish and have egg on our faces, but I'm clinging to that scripture

I love how Pastor Derwin says that God uses messy experiences to draw us to himself.  I can definitely testify to this.  Every single time I have started questioning whether or not I am making all of this stuff up, God has sent confirmation that this is so much bigger than me and my little perspective.  This story is all for His Glory!

I am looking to God to turn what appears to be a mess into a masterpiece!  No Limits!  No Boundaries!

To God be the Glory


  1. "I started having doubts because there was absolute silence when it came to those prayers. I began to go back to default level and I started to be deceived into doubting, but I kept telling myself that "Regardless of what happens, God has a purpose and plan". I have the same default. If it isn't working, I doubt. But I love how you have changed that thought process to trust God either way, and to keep moving forward! I am working on that too :)

    1. Thanks Emily!!! Isn't it funny that we all have similar struggles? We are all in this together!!

  2. I loved that dot message too. Even written about dot connecting - but this one is powerful. He does use messy incidents to draw us closer to Him. Our part is to TRUST! Thank you so much for blogging this week. I truly enjoyed reading about your dots. Debbie W. (Proverbs 31 Ministry OBS Team)

  3. I am all in now too. I want to see your connect the dots! Keep on sharing, and yes, keep on going to God when the doubts creep in. I will pray that he gives you clarity as you pray to live by his will and not your own. God bless you! Thank you for sharing and keep on writing! :) Mary B. P31 OBS Ministries Team

    1. Thanks Mary!! I appreciate your prayers and I am eager to see the dots connect myself!


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