Focus: What will I do in 2013 that will make an IMPACT 10-20 years from now

I am currently reading a book entitled Lessons for Leaders

Maintaining Focus

This morning's chapter dealt with maintaining focus.  One thing I am learning as a leader is that it is easy to get off track because there are always 103985839302839 things to do.

I am the type of person that wants to do everything, but I soon learned that nothing gets done that way.  As one of my devotions said this year,  If you try to do everything, you will soon find that you don't get anything done!

So how do we focus when people are pulling at us in every direction?  The book suggested two questions.

1.  Is what I am doing relevant to 2 bosses ahead of me?

2. What am I going to do this year that will make an impact 10-20 years from now.

What am I going to do this year that will make an IMPACT?

The second question really got to me.  So many times we are consumed with day to day issues and fires that nobody will remember 10-20 years nor make any kind of difference.  This question forces us to FOCUS on what is important and what will matter later down the line.

For me this year has been about PUSHing forward and submitting to God's will for my life instead of forcing my own short sighted vision and plans.

I hope that 10 years from now, I can say that because I said YES to God's will in 2013 I will see the glory of God in my life.

I also hope and pray that others are positively impacted by my decision to say YES, step out on faith, and accept the calling on my life.

The simple question of what will I do this year that makes an impact 10 years from now forced me to really look at my daily activity to make sure it is where it needs to be, to see the vision come true.

Am I learning and trying to get better every day?

 If I'm remaining stagnant, then I will not be a very good leader and a very poor life partner and parent.  I'm not marrying nor raising any dummies!

Am I spending unnecessarily?

If I am unwisely spending my money and not saving for the future then this will affect my financial position and how my family is able to live in the future.

Am I making good choices when it comes to my health (emotional, mental, and physical) 

Living an unhealthy lifestyle will have its reprecussions later on down the line.  I'm not just talking about physical health, but mental/emotional health as well.  Getting involved in unhealthy situations is going to have ill effects not only in the present, but those battlescars will be there later on down the line.

Am I hanging out with the RIGHT people? 

You are who your friends are.  If you're hanging out with people who are living in Loserville, people who aren't going anywhere in life,  people who are concerned with stupid stuff, and spend most of their time complaining and grumbling...I have news for you:  10 years from now they are still going to be complaining and grumbling about the same things and talking about "shoulda, coulda, woulda".  The people I'm around need to be on purpose.

Rev. Run said it the best:  Stop hanging out with people you don't want to be like!  

Am I seeking the higher goal?  The Bible says in Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on higher things and not earthly things.  Getting caught up in temporal and worldly success is empty and unfulfilling.  I want to be focused on that which will have an impact in eternity.

Let's maintain focus for these last few months of the year and not get sidetracked.  I love the Message version of the scripture Proverbs 4:26-27

Keep your eyes straight ahead;
    ignore all sideshow distractions.
Watch your step,
    and the road will stretch out smooth before you.
Look neither right nor left;
    leave evil in the dust.
