Happy New Year!When I started writing these devotionals a year ago, I had no idea where it was going to lead but I just knew that it was important to be faithful to this calling. 2021 is over and I believe we are transitioning into a new season. I don't think the world will get any less chaotic and confusing. In fact, I think it will be even more chaotic and confusing but I think it will be time for the people of God to rise up, take their godly authority, and advance the Kingdom of God on the Earth. These last two years have been a hot mess and after all this, I don't see how any believer could really think salvation lies in politicians, government, or "experts".
I expect the world to think these things because they don't know Him but as citizens of heaven, we know that Salvation can only come from Jesus Christ. 2022: Be Intentional
The Lord has impressed upon me that we need to be intentional this year and not just do things to look like we're doing "something." We must also stop trying to turn the church into a Television Program, a branding campaign, and motivational seminar. It's time to get back to true worship in spirit and in truth.
The world may get crazier in 2022 but we don't have to. Getting into a simple rhythm and routine helps us to be consistent. As I do with my Health and Wellness coaching, here are some practical suggestions for being intentional in 2022. - Do a Daily Bible Reading Plan to fill up on God's word (I love the Nicky Gumble Bible in a Year on the Bible App)
- Go to a Church that teaches the Bible
- Find Your Tribe: Jesus had 12 and then he had an inner circle of 3. Even Jesus didn't walk this life alone.
- When you tell someone you're praying for them, do it right there on the spot. It's not as weird as it sounds. My friend Lori does this all the time and now I think of it as normal and not so awkward.
- Be intentional about encouraging one person every day: This doesn't mean shouting scriptures at people. Give them an encouraging word about something you've noticed that they're doing right.
I would also like to thank you for your support throughout this year. I pray each of you has a year of health, favor, and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.
To God be the Glory!
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