Pandemic Chronicles #17: Are the Locusts here yet?

This was the sky in San Francisco on Wednesday, Sept 9, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. and it grew darker and darker as the morning went on.  It got to the point where we were like "Ok that person is still here so the rapture didn't happen yet."

It was funny but not funny because really I think we're being continually warned that this isn't a game and as the church, we need to get right and get serious.

Remember Darkness was one of the plagues that hit Egypt.  It led us all to wonder were frogs and locusts next.  The Babylon Bee had a funny story that those of us here in California was going to paint the blood over our doorposts.  It was feeling that way!

That same day was also the first day of our Young Adult Life Group at Lake Merritt.  Being the stubborn people we are, we carried on and actually had a powerful time in the Lord.  I ended up reading and doing an exhortation from Acts 2:17

And it shall be in the last days,’ God says,
That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all [a]mankind;
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
And your young men shall see visions,
And your old men shall dream dreams;

It literally looked like the Hour that God had designated the outpouring of His Spirit.  I believe the Great Outpouring of His Holy Spirit is upon us.

Everything is being fulfilled at the same time

My words for this year were clarity and fulfillment but I didn't think that everything would be happening at the same time!

My goodness!  Contracts, writing, and leading groups.  I wanted it all to happen but I thought it would happen little by little....but no it all seems to be happening this Fall.

Well, what about....The Single Woman valley of the Dry Bones 

Yeah, I don't know about that because the fleece or the standard is so clearly set and I believe the word of the Lord:" He seeks God.  He hears from God to proceed ahead and it is so! I won't even have to fight this battle.  I will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."

I will say though as I review certain things in regards to my single journey, I feel so foolish that I didn't see the truth. I saw what I wanted and leaned on my own understanding.  It was all counterfeit.

Now, where there was cause for rejoicing and acknowledgment of growth is that I didn't charge ahead and try to force things into being and I kept quiet. If I hadn't, then I don't think feeling foolish would have been the worst of it.  Whew. I would have been out of the will of God and all sorts of other unfortunate consequences would have happened.

As it stands I'm minding my business and doing my thing.  The standards are set but I won't lie I've thought, "Oh boy. Uh-oh, and Well this is something," more than once in the last few weeks.

The Righteous Cry Out....He Will Deliver

And it will be much better than what I was trying to slap together and force into being.  

Are the Locusts here yet?

Not yet but like Pharoah, we better start listening as God continues to send warning signs.  We've been so complacent and so stagnant for so long that he's got to get our attention somehow.

I am ready for church to open back up.  We had our church celebration for the 55th Anniversary last week in our parking lot and it was a great time as usual.  I ended up almost out of my window at one point during the worship.

It doesn't seem right that the NFL, NBA, and everything else is continuing on and yet we're not able to meet together to praise the Lord.

I think that's going to change too especially as we hit October, November, and December.  I believe that the Lord will give us the word on when to open up and when we do it'll be like a Flood.

God is doing a new thing and all the people trying to do the same old same old aren't going to make it. 

The Locusts aren't here yet but who knows? I'm thinking I  may have an even bigger sign that it's time to start singing Just As I am.  No more Single Valley of Dry Bones.'s 2020: Anything can happen
