So I am not crazy: Seeing a victory...even when you don't.

for we live by faith, not by what we see with our eyes.
The Holy Spirit class along with several confirmations of "knowings" that I had confirmed to me that I am not 100% crazy....maybe just 80% crazy but I'm not crazy.

I finally understood that I see things in the spirit and by faith...and not just what I see in the natural.  For me as one who always wants to know what's happening, why, and to have a plan it can be frustrating to see things beforehand and not be able to take action on it.

This is where I got into trouble.  I would discuss things I saw or knew in the spirit with people in the natural and they would use rational reasoning which makes sense but I would be frustrated because they were telling me opposite of what I "knew" to be true.

Now I understand that with the discerning of spirits, it's not for me to discuss with everyone.  The Holy Spirit lets me in on it to give me clarity, strategy, and to pray for what's to come.

Take for example a situation that I had been discerning since last year.  I was all riled up about it and I just knew something was off but I had no proof.  Months later someone did let me know that something was off.  I didn't need to know the gory details and I didn't even know what the story was but I knew something wasn't right.

I have learned since that episode not to go around discussing things with people and to just continue to pray about it and use wisdom in the situations.

Just like Sister Pat Wardley said all along: "Pray and Not Say".

Seeing a victory...even when you don't

Several times I have sensed victory in the spirit before it happened.  I would wake up with overwhelming sensations of victory.  

The other Morning (March 31, 2020) I woke up with that same sensation of victory and I have been in that mode for a week or so.  I've been praising God, thanking him for victory, and I had the urge to play "Shout" by Martha Munnizi and "See a Victory" by Elevation but nothing much has happened in the natural to warrant such a response.

However I believe the battle in the spirit is being won overwhelmingly and my job is to praise my way through just like in 2 Chronicles 20.  I don't need to fight...I just need to praise and the enemy will defeat himself.

A Supernatural God

If we serve a supernatural God, then supernatural things are going to happen.  It won't make sense in the natural.  We must keep in mind the scripture that We walk by faith and not by what our eyes see. (2 Cor 5:17)  Satan is the master of what we see...he loves to stir things up in the natural and that's how he gets us off track by getting to focus on that.

I'll give you an example: The Lord warned me that something was going to happen and then when it happened a few days later I got angry when I saw it.  

However I Remembered: God said this was going to happen.  Why get angry? I was WARNED but the enemy knew it would push my buttons and get me all riled up.  I have to stop focusing on what the devil is doing and trying to stir up.

Many people these days forget that God is supernatural.  He isn't limited to the realm of the natural and if that is true, then we need to be receptive when supernatural events occur.

You're not crazy and it's not supposed to make sense in the natural.

His ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts.

Let's trust Him as he fights on our behalf.
I'm gonna see a victory for the Battle belongs to the Lord!
