Daniel Fast Week 1 Takeaways

It is that time again.  Time for ole Daniel and the Daniel Fast.

Well I knew it was about to be on like popcorn when the Sunday before the Fast Pastor Javier highlighted Daniel 10:11 

11 And the man said to me, “Daniel, you are very precious to God, so listen carefully to what I have to say to you. Stand up, for I have been sent to you.” When he said this to me, I stood up, still trembling.
and then he went on and on about it.  

Last Fall During my Daniel Bible Study that scripture stood out to me.  I even said, "Hmm this means something."

A year of Clarity and Fulfillment

Clarity. Fulfillment.

Those are my words for this year because I believe IT IS SO.  I'll be honest, in December I was raising a Hallelujah, singing, and shouting the victory...and there was a lot of victory.  My business revenues went up 40%, I was in action at Shiloh, I discovered I really enjoyed praying for others, and I even had a fantastic holiday season as I volunteered at our Church's Community Christmas Dinner.  It was a December to remember.

The last Sunday of 2019 was an absolute doozy but I had been praying that the Sunday Morning worship would be SPECTACULAR.  Pastor Dawn prophesied that there was a Supernatural Turnaround in the next 2 days.  I saw a lot of things happening and I know something happened.  Even though something happened that didn't mean I was supposed to go out and try to answer my own prayers.

This week on the Daniel Fast Takeaway I got some insight into that.  Praise God for the Partial Miracles (Keep reading).  I know there was some breaking of strongholds that happened that day...and something happened...however we will just keep on praying and not give up as Jesus taught. (Luke 18)

Intention: Consecrate myself as an intercessor and focus on how I can help advance the Kingdom

I believe my needs are already taken care of so I'm not fasting about any of that stuff this time.  This time I am fasting as a means of consecrating myself to the work of intercessor.  I really enjoy praying for other people so that is what I would like to do next.  I still want to do worship but I am really feeling a pull and a need for prayer warriors especially for our Young Adults and also to be an example for the Young Adults.


This year I have more takeways in the first Week than I had in the entire Fast last year.  I think it speaks to the ways that my faith has grown in the last year. 

Last year when Pastor Dawn prophesied about the supernatural turnaround I would have been angry and disappointed because it didn't look like anything happened or worse I would have sprang into action to try to get something going.

But as you'll see in my Takeaways this week, What's happening is not necessarily what is going on.  

I also have an awesome anthem for this Fast.  See a Victory!  It's at the end.


  1. When it is of God and he is with us We will be serving God and worship will ensue.
  2. “To be a Jesus follower is to see the unseen” - Pastor Joshua symonette, National Community Church: This fast and prayer time is about me praying for others as I step into the role and call of intercessor in the name of Jesus. This fast isn’t all about me. I want to use this time to pray for others. God has my stuff taken care of. It’s already done. I want to be a better intercessor and I’ll use this time to consecrate myself to that calling.
  3. When you follow Jesus everything becomes a teaching moment.Sometimes what’s happening is not what is going on. - Dick Foth 
            The feeding of the 5000 wasn’t about feeding people. It was about:
  • Growing faith 
  • Building trust 
  • Opening up doors 
      And so it is with us 
  1. LUKE 12:31 TLB He will always give you all you need from day to day if you will make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. Did we not see this in 2019. Let’s worry about getting the kingdom business together. The rest is already done. Let’s focus on the important parts.
  2. What a great gift to be able to bless someone with love. To bless them with affirmation and confirmation that they are enough.
  3. What makes us think we become more like Jesus if we’re not betrayed by Judas, denied by Peter, or tempted by the enemy himself? - Mark Batterson
  4. “The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.”John‬ ‭10:27‬ ‭AMP‬‬  During this fast I pray that I will Hear the voice of the Lord more clearly than ever before
  5. Truth will be exposed. I’ve been focused on the bad truth...but I pray good truth will be exposed too.
  6. We don’t need to be so focused on what the devil does and what we see.
  7. A kingdom woman’s heart desire is to see the men in her life at the place God wants them. We desire to see the men in our lives be drawn back into the presence of God.
  8. I am going to start a small group for Kingdom Women here in the Bay Area.  Powerful Dunamis Women right here in the Bay Area
  9. We miss the will of God because we’re afraid of missing the will of God. The will of God is more attitudinal than circumstantial 
  10. Publicly Praise God for Partial miracles Mark 8:22-25:  CLARITY. Even Jesus had to pray twice! Praise God every step of the way!!! 
 22 When they arrived at Bethsaida, some people brought a blind man to him and begged him to touch and heal him. 23 Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and spat upon his eyes, and laid his hands over them.
“Can you see anything now?” Jesus asked him.
24 The man looked around. “Yes!” he said, “I see men! But I can’t see them very clearly; they look like tree trunks walking around!”
25 Then Jesus placed his hands over the man’s eyes again and as the man stared intently, his sight was completely restored, and he saw everything clearly, drinking in the sights around him.
  1. Get Your Mind Right:“Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value].”‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭AMP‬‬
  2. Abiding in Jesus leads us to true intercession, the act of giving ourselves in prayer for the needs of others as well as ourselves. Intercession can set the captive free
  3. We aren’t talkers. We are those who bear actual fruit. “For the kingdom of God is not based on talk but on power.”‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭4:20‬ ‭AMP‬‬
  4. Embrace the Shift (Pastor Javier)
