Recommended Read: Crazy Love, Francis Chan



To the Point.


If you're like me, then you're frustrated with the American Church.  

It is so shallow, so lacking depth, so irrelevant, and so missing something.  

Francis Chan touches on all of this in his book, "Crazy Love"

A lot of what he says is radical.  It's radical because Jesus was/is radical.  The gospels are radical.

It sounds so foreign to American Christians because the emphasis in American Christianity has not been on the gospel but on materialism,  comfort, marriage and politics.

The notion of giving up your possessions to help the poor or give up your life to follow Christ sounds crazy because we simply have not been taught what Jesus taught.

If you're fed up with American Churchitanity, then this book is for you.

Love God. Love People.

Those two things should inspire some Crazy in our lives.

Jesus had Crazy Love for us.

He's left it up to us to continue that Crazy Love.
