So I didn't make it to church on Sunday...I think I'm still on hiatus

So I didn't make it to church on Sunday.

I did my Sunday morning Holy Hour with God, watched my political tv shows, ate breakfast, and then looked online at what was gonna happen in church on Sunday

I looked online and it said they were having some sort of special presentation and I wasn't interested in that so I decided to stay home, do some work, and catch up on my Television shows.

Quite frankly I think I am still on hiatus.

I don't miss church at all.  I feel bad about saying that but it's true.  I don't miss it.  I keep thinking that I was churched to death for so many years that I just need a break.  I just need to listen to God and develop my faith.  I'm not about to get plugged in at any church so it can take over my life and confine me into the four walls.

I just can't do it.

I started a new book called, "Quitting Church:  Why the faithful are leaving"  This book addresses the fact that the people who are fed up and leaving church aren't the backsliding sinners that churches like to use as examples but they are the most faithful and dedicated people who have just had enough.
These people have had enough of the gimmicks, the shallow faith, and inauthentic message of the local church. I've laughed at some of the points that they made such as being sick of pastors and sermon stunts like riding a motorcycle on stage but it's also sad.

People are reminiscing about, "Remember when church was alive and there was supernatural power in the church! Remember that?"  It's not there anymore.  Instead it's like some sort of forced consumer based marketing gimmick and it's tired.  It's not only tired but it's dead.

I'm going to be sharing some of my observations from that book because I think it really captures where I am with my journey of leaving Sundays.  As a single woman, it's expected that I'll be unchurched because singles, men, and working moms are the ones who are leading the exodus from church.

This morning I asked God if there was something I could do to help, then use me.  I just don't see myself leading a church. We don't need more churches just like we don't need more gyms to combat obesity.  We need more people that care and can get real about their actual missions and leave their egos out of it!

OK Rant over.  Getting ready to share Quitting Church.
