Go Get it and Let it Come: FIRED UP and READY to GO
I am not sure what to say about the past few weeks...so I will say this. I had an outrageous dream, a stirring, went to follow up on it, and now I'm letting it come. I can say that I am FIRED UP and Ready to Go. About what? I don't know. Nothing exciting happened but I think that's when God is doing the most behind the scenes work so that's a reason to celebrate.
I have let fear rob me of so much and I think that I have had enough. I realized that part of the reason I am feeling so strongly about certain things is because I let fear rob me of opportunities and I wasn't the only person who missed out so when I get that feeling or stirring again, I am not going to just let it go. No matter how outrageous, ridiculous, and far fetched it seems I am going to at least make the effort because I don't want to miss another opportunity.
No More Missed Opportunities

When I committed to this Sacred Journey, I had such limited vision and ambition. What I am attempting these days is nothing short of absolutely crazy and that's exactly what my goal is because "women who do crazy are the ones who leave legacies"
Time to Live out the message
I cannot be a teacher and tell people they need to live dynamic and faith filled lives if I am not willing to be outrageous, crazy, and do it myself. We have enough of these false and phony people polluting pulpits across America. We need some people who actually have faith and testimonies up there telling the story.
I am willing to do crazy and be crazy in order to help other people, encourage and uplift others, and bring God Glory. Yes indeed. I am chronicling and writing this entire story out as it is happening so people cannot accuse me of making it up or painting a revisionist history.
It is time to live out the message that God has given me to teach people. The funny part about this whole thing is I don't know what is going to happen but I just put it down as it happens and figure we will connect all the dots as we look back.
It's about a legacy and impacting future generations
The word LEGACY keeps coming up and I am reminded that this isn't just about me. It's about living a life of faith SO THAT I will be able to pass that legacy of faith down to my children. Pastor Jules Moore of Shiloh Church yesterday talked about impacting future generations and what that mission should look like. One of the biggest reasons I quit the religion of my childhood was because it was OBVIOUS that their way did not work. Failure, defeat, endless bickering about worship styles, unsuccessful people with no purpose, and just a complete trainwreck was enough for me to know that this was a false religion of Golden Calfs and legalism.
As Pastor Jules said yesterday, if as parents we don't have any stories of God's miracles or provision, then that means we didn't step out on faith and we have no testimony. Why would kids believe in a God that doesn't do anything except tell them that they aren't good enough and they are going to go to Hell. That was my experience and I don't want that repeated. I want my children to have the grounds to believe and I want them to know GOD and the only way that will happen is if I show Him to them and that includes stories of God's epic provision and what a life of FAITH lived out looks like.
It's not just about the now. It's about the legacy impacting future generations.
Just a Note on the Husband Thing
No I am not married nor has anyone appeared but I just wanted to include this. God has been imprinting on my heart that this man is in a place of darkness and I've been praying for him to give his life back to God so that he can go from death to life. One day he will read this and KNOW that it was no accident that when he heard the voice that called him forth from the grave that was his life.
I've also been praying against cheap floozies...since that is a major distraction and a big cause of the downfall. I thought about deleting this section but it all fits somehow. Enough is Enough. Let's get back to the original intent of GREATNESS. The devil can go back to Hell.
God I'm not Moving. I'm here waiting on You
We sang a great song yesterday: Don't be far from me. I'm here waiting on You. God I'm not moving I'm here waiting on you.
Pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly. I am not moving. I will just stand still and watch as the Lord Rescues me and some other folks so we can tell the story.
To God be the Glory.
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