Faithfulness and Barrenness

God is so faithful and you cannot outgive Him.

This is a fundamental truth I have seen come to pass in my life these past few weeks and I am beyond grateful.  It's a new chapter in my life as a business owner and while I was scared to do this initially not only has God provided financially but He is opening the doors to new opportunities and giving me a fresh anointing and vision to see some of my deep seeded dreams begin to manifest.  I've always wanted to write books and I've started.  True it's me and my google docs right now but we will not despise small beginnings.  I'm also working on a Health Transformation program and what I've shared so far is getting rave reviews.  I thank God for all of this because true to His word, he has rescued me and all I've done is be still and done what He has told me to do.  I have not tried to run ahead or direct traffic.  I am letting Him do his thang and he is doing things way better than I could have ever done them.  I mean it's like opportunities are coming out of nowhere but I know where my source is.

What about my personal life?

What about it?  LOL.  So I am still single but I am single and thankful.  I am researching and working on these projects about women and the search for love.  Of course I am sharing my own experiences and I am thankful that I am still single.  As one of the authors in my research said, Women are looking to be loved but they don't know how to love.  Hallelujah!  You know that's my story but I am so thankful and grateful that God is refining me in the preseason so that I can be a part of a ministry marriage that demonstrates his power of resurrection, restoration, and redemption with the ultimate outcome of reconciliation.

At church we've been talking about Life on Mission and the current topic is Love in Action and the entire point of everything is reconciliation.  I'm thankful that God has chosen me to be apart of a major reconciliation because many people do not get this opportunity.  So many people miss out on seeing the glory of God in their lives because they just don't have enough faith to hold on when it seems pointless and like nothing is happening.  God is moving.

I believe that sharing my side of the story will help so many people.  As I commented on Heather Lindsey's social media post last week, we've already heard enough of the failure stories and what happens when people don't do it God's way.  Let's hear some stories about what happens when you do walk in faith and do it God's way.  I want to help other people and give them the resources I didn't have.


That word has been in my spirit for the past week or so.  This morning it was there so strong that I decided to look it up.  One of the definitions of barren was that it was a place where nothing can grow.  It's a desert.  To be barren means that you cannot birth anything, it means that you cannot reproduce.  Barren is unproductive, fruitless, purposeless, useless.

Such strong imagery.  The Lord began to lay on my heart that a lot of the time we want to be busy or look like we are doing something but trying to make something grow in a barren land is not productive.  You cannot grow anything in a barren land.  You can try as hard as you can and make yourself crazy but nothing will grow.

How many of us do that in our lives?  We stay in barren relationships, barren jobs, and barren mindsets where we will not grow and not produce any fruit.  The Lord was encouraging me this morning to not settle for a barren land just to say that I have a place to be but to keep moving to the land that will be fruitful and productive.  Of course Jesus and that fig tree is one of the best illustrations of the consequences of being barren.

God's Word To me

I also was reminded of when the Lord gave me a word earlier this year when he told me that by next year that which was barren in my life would begin to bear fruit.  Just like Sarah who was barren and felt like time had passed her by in regards to her infertility, God has reassured me that I will become fruitful and productive.  Wow.  Like Sarah I fee like laughing.  Where God?  How is this barren part of my life going to start being productive?  all I have is some mustard see faith, some prayers, and some glimpses of what I believe you have for me.  How am I going to start bearing fruit?  But that's what he said....He said that which is barren in your life will start to bear fruit.

I choose to believe Him.  

I know he's already doing a great thing in my life by teaching me to ignore my flesh and intellectualism and to sa y things I don't want to say like that whole covenant business.  I know it's all a part of his plan and following God's plan is following the parts that you don't like.

Oh and one more thing:  I have seen a man that is exactly the type of man that I would like to marry one day.  It has zero to do with his looks (I'm maturing!) and everything with whom I think this man is and can be. I am definitely willing to hold out if it means 
getting one like that.

 Do not ask me why I decided to include this tidbit in but I did.  I certainly hope that I can bear fruit with ONE LIKE THAT.  Now let me shut up and get out of here before i get myself into trouble.

It's all for the glory of God!  

To God be the Glory
