Spring has Sprung and I have the Blahs...but God still has this

I was so excited for Spring.  I was so excited that I even went out and got a new hairstyle.  Asymmetrical Bob with Bold Blonde Color!  Woohoo!!! Spring has Sprung bring on the Vernal Equinox and Spring Fever!

Instead I got a major case of the blahs.

Excitement Central

I love to be excited.  I love excitement...and a few weeks ago I was REALLY excited.  For one thing I am developing my business and in the past few weeks I have taken some major and scary steps to make this a reality...so getting that in place has been exciting.  It's been exciting to go out on interviews and do research for this venture so that was majorly exciting.

Then on the personal end of things I had some reasons to be excited. I was super proud of the way I conducted myself and the peace i Had during the whole thing.  It was such a change from the old days.  If anything I told God I was thankful he gave me the glimpse to just keep on believing for something good to happen instead of just throwing in the towel.

I was feeling GREAT!  I felt like I was making progress, there were new avenues and opportunities opening up, and hey it may not all be futile!

Sunday we received an amazing word and had a chance to hear Pastor Patrick Kitely for the first time in 4 months since he decided to take a leave of absence for personal issues.  It was so encouraging to see a man who is embroiled in a fiery trial defy the devil and still speak to the people and exhort them to believe that GOD STILL HAS THIS and YOU WILL SEE GOD'S GLORY IF YOU BELIEVE.  It was also wonderful to see an entire congregation stand with him and say "Nope...you're not giving up.  We are here with you and we will see God's glory because God is about to resurrect a few thangs.

Then it all got quiet....

Monday was a letdown.  It isn't exciting.  It's just the humdrum of going to my current job and deciding when it would be best to leave, me reading my book Living Courageously and doing my daily spiritual activities, working out every day and following a meal plan when I feel like I'm getting fatter and that I will never compete, no attractive male figures to at least give me HOPE that one day I will find one like that.

It's quiet.  I'm feeling like....blah.  That's the best way I can describe it.  I'm not discouraged, depressed, or defeated but I just feel blah.

Keep going when you don't feel like it.

This is one of those times when I'm learning to keep going even though I don't feel like it.  I don't feel like exercising but I go anyway even if I feel like it's all futile.  It's even been a struggle to get going in Quiet Time because part of me thinks...eh it isn't working but I will keep going even if I'm not feeling it.  Even my business ideas that I was SO excited about before now feel like futile wastes of time because I am still broke but I will keep going even when I don't feel like it.  I will continue to believe that I will see God's glory...even if I have the blahs.

This is normal and all apart of the process.  Every day will not feel like Disneyland.  Some days will be blah and it will seem as though nothing is happening but I believe that is when the most stuff happens.

Listening for that whisper.

To God be the Glory
