Supernatural September: Spiritual Intimacy and Non Negotiables

Well these past two days have been filled with revelations and wisdom, but that's the order Bishop Garlington gave us:

  • I declare it
  • God Establishes
  • Light or Revelation Comes
What you're about to read is my first time declaring and putting my vision on the tablet for the general public to read.

Spiritual Intimacy

I was reading an article where a woman wrote in about staying in a loveless marriage.  This statement stuck out to me.

Spiritual Intimacy is the most important thing in a marriage.  Spiritual Intimacy will outlast physical intimacy, emotional intimacy, and sexual intimacy.

This was a BOOM!  moment.  I was ready to run the building after that. As a matter of fact it was so good that I was almost home on the bus before I realized I had driven that day.

That's right in line with what has been going on in my life at this moment.  As I have said on this blog, my husband will not be attracted to me because of superficial reasons.  It will be my light which I'm saying is the anointing of God upon my life.  He will have a God cognizance and understand this is a divine encounter.  It is upon that foundation that spiritual intimacy will be formed.

Of course during this waiting season, I've been staying pretty intimate and close with God because I want him directing traffic on this one thank you very much.

So we now have that on the tablet:  Spiritual Intimacy.  THAT is the foundation

Non Negotiables

Today there was an article about how singles should have a list of non negotiable SO THAT when it's the appointed time they will be able to say:  That's it right there!  or as I've been saying lately:  One like that!

Raise Your Standards

Before the past few weeks, I have to say my standards weren't all that high.  If he got me all hot and bothered, then I was trying to make it happen.  Thankfully my standards have been raised just that what are my non-negotiable items.

A Servant of the Most High God

As for me and my house we CHOOSE to serve the most high GOD.  I said GOD not a religion, church, or Pastor.  A servant of God.  He believes in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ.  He has given his life to serving and loving humanity as Jesus Christ did.

Intense PASSION for the human condition

I have used the word Passion over and over again to describe my future spouse.  He must be PASSIONATE and ON FIRE and not just complacent going to work to buy more stuff.  I want him to be FIRED UP and READY to go....BUT I'm not looking for someone who is FIRED UP AND READY TO GO about sneakers or material things.  I want him FIRED UP AND READY TO GO about helping people.


I don't want some company guy who would sacrifice his children if he thought it would get him a better position or to keep his job.  I want someone who is CONVICTED about his beliefs.  People who lack conviction don't stand up for what's really important.  I don't want that kind of man trying to lead my family.  I want him to take a stand loud and proud

Aware of what's going on in the World

It's so easy to be inwardly focused on all of the mundane, but I want someone with a bigger view of the world than his own little space.  Someone who is concerned with what is happening to our world.  After all we have to raise children in this world.

Wants  kids and ability to be a good Father

I definitely want to be a Mother and I will not marry a man who doesn't want children or a man who is a deadbeat dad.   What kind of example is that for my children to have?  No thanks and No ma'am.

Supportive Of Women and Ambition

Now you already know. He MUST be supportive of women and ambition.  I will not marry a man who thinks a woman should be a trophy or is only good for the kitchen and the bedroom.  I also don't want my kids being raised by a man who is unsupportive of women being all that they can be.

If he's into feminism and women's rights, then that's great but he will have to be onboard about it.

Saying Something Different

I expect God to do Something.

I expect to see all of this come to fruition.

I expect to recognize it

I expect Supernatural September

To God be the Glory
